General Hospital Maxie Jones Trivia

General Hospital Maxie Jones Trivia

How much do you know about Maxie Jones from General Hospital?
Q1. On General Hospital, who are Maxie Jones’ parents?
Q2. What is Maxie Jones’ full name, on General Hospital?
Q3. On General Hospital, as a child, Maxie Jones suffered from what disease?
Q4. What surgery did Maxie Jones have to undergo when she was small due to the Kawasaki disease?
Q5. Who did Maxie Jones have an affair with while he was married to Elizabeth, on General Hospital?
Q6. On General Hospital, who did Maxie Jones ask to help her get pregnant so she could trap Lucky?
Q7. How did Maxie Jones set fire to Mac’s house, trapping Robin and Emma inside, on General Hospital?
Q8. Who did Maxie Jones marry so she could avoid testifying against him in court, on General Hospital?
Q9. On General Hospital, Maxie Jones got choked on a french fry and could have died. Who applied the heimlich maneuver on her to save her life?
Q10. On General Hospital, who did Maxie Jones name her baby, Georgie, after?
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