Doctor Who Tenth Doctor Trivia

Doctor Who Tenth Doctor Trivia

How much do you know about the Tenth Doctor?
Q1. In which Doctor Who episode did the 10th Doctor first appear?
Q2. On Doctor Who, what is the 10th Doctor’s catchphrase?
Q3. What was the 10th Doctor describing when he said, "a big ball of wibbly wobbly, timey wimey stuff" on Doctor Who?
Q4. What were the first words the 10th Doctor spoke after his regeneration on Doctor Who?
Q5. What is the 10th Doctor disappointed over after his regeneration, on Doctor Who?
Q6. What do Rose and the 10th Doctor save Queen Victoria from, on Doctor Who?
Q7. Who referred to the 10th Doctor as “a lonely angel”, on Doctor Who?
Q8. After Rose is trapped in parallel universe, who does the 10th Doctor meet next, on Doctor Who?
Q9. In “The Two Doctors”, what does the 10th Doctor reveal about his companions to Jackson Lake, on Doctor Who?
Q10. What are the 10th Doctor’s final words before he regenerates on Doctor Who?
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