Copacabana the Song Trivia

Copacabana the Song Trivia

How much do you know about the song Copacabana?
Q1. What is the song Copacabana also known as?
Q2. When was Copacabana released as a single?
Q3. What album is Copacabana on?
Q4. What Genre is Copacabana considered to be?
Q5. What certification did Copacabana receive?
Q6. Where was Barry Manilow when he got the inspiration for Copacabana?
Q7. What position did Copacabana get to in the US Billboard charts?
Q8. What Grammy award did Copacabana win?
Q9. What foreign language version of Copacabana was release shortly after the English version?
Q10. When was the UK remix version of Copacabana released?
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