Beatles Trivia

Beatles Trivia

How much do you know about The Beatles?
Q1. Which of these Beatles' songs did the BBC ban?
Q2. Where did the John Lennon's concept for the Beatles' hit, Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds come from?
Q3. Who was the Beatles' drummer before Ringo Starr?
Q4. Which Beatles' album was the first to be completely written by John and Paul?
Q5. What is the shortest Beatles' single?
Q6. Who plays guitar on the Beatles' While My Guitar Gently Weeps?
Q7. What record label turned down the Beatles?
Q8. In April of 1964, what did the Beatles do in America?
Q9. In the Beatles's hit song, All You Need Is Love, what instrument did George play that he had never played before?
Q10. Who played the drums on the Beatles' White Album song, Back in the USSR?
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