Rolling Stones Lyrics Trivia

Rolling Stones Lyrics Trivia

Can you match these Rolling Stones lyrics to their songs?
Q1. All the dreams we held so close, seem to all go up in smoke
Q2. Speck of white so fair and pale. Have you seen a lady fairer?
Q3. Well you heard about the Boston, It's not one of those
Q4. Hear me ringin' Big bell tolls. Hear me singin'.
Q5. The lady then all dressed me up in roses. She blew my nose and then she blew my mind.
Q6. Oh, see the fire is sweepin' at our streets today
Q7. You look at me but I don't know what you see
Q8. You're gonna get it straight from the shoulder. Can't you see the party's over
Q9. I want you come on, honey child, I beg of you. I want you come on, honey child you got it in you.
Q10. You're searchin' for good times, but just wait and see
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