Lord of the Rings Trivia Quiz

Lord of the Rings Trivia Quiz

From Frodo’s journey to epic battles, test your knowledge of The Lord of the Rings in this magical quiz!
Q1. What is the name of the hobbit who inherits the One Ring from Bilbo?
Q2. Who is NOT a member of the Fellowship of the Ring?
Q3. What Elvish word is used to open the doors of Durin at Moria?
Q4. Which creature does Gandalf fight in the Mines of Moria?
Q5. What is the name of the forest where Frodo meets Galadriel?
Q6. Who is the steward of Gondor that refuses to recognize Aragorn as king?
Q7. What is the name of Aragorn's sword?
Q8. Which city is known as the City of the Trees?
Q9. What is the name of the spider that attacks Frodo in Shelob's Lair?
Q10. Who destroys the One Ring?
Q11. Which city is known as the City of Kings?
Q12. What is the name of the elven bread given to the hobbits?
Q13. Who is the father of Boromir and Faramir?
Q14. What realm does Legolas belong to?
Q15. Who is the Lord of the Nazgûl?
Q16. What gift does Galadriel give to Gimli?
Q17. What is the name of the capital of Rohan?
Q18. Which of these is not a part of the Ent's diet?
Q19. What color is Gandalf's robe when he returns after fighting the Balrog?
Q20. Who is the master of Rivendell?
Q21. Who is the last ruling Steward of Gondor before Aragorn becomes king?
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