Harry Potter Ghost Trivia

How well do you know the Ghosts of Hogwarts?
Q1. Who is Ravenclaw’s “house ghost”, in Harry Potter?
Q2. Which Harry Potter ghost haunts the girls’ first floor bathroom at Hogwarts?
Q3. Which Hogwarts ghost likes to cause problems and get students into trouble, in Harry Potter?
Q4. Which ghost is the Slytherin “house ghost”, in Harry Potter?
Q5. Which ghost is the Hufflepuff “House Ghost”, in Harry Potter?
Q6. Who is Gryffindor's “house ghost” in Harry Potter?
Q7. In Harry Potter, which Hogwarts ghost fell asleep in front of a fireplace and awoke the next morning, to go to work, leaving his body behind?
Q8. Who is the only Hogwarts ghost that can control Peeves, in Harry Potter?
Q9. By what name does Nearly Headless Nick prefer to be called by in Harry Potter?
Q10. Which of the Hogwarts ghosts has a soft spot for forgiving Peeves in Harry Potter?
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