Bilbo Baggins Trivia

Bilbo Baggins Trivia

How much do you know about Bilbo Baggins?
Q1. By Shire ‘reckoning’, Bilbo Baggins was born when?
Q2. Who was Bilbo Baggins’ grandfather?
Q3. What did Bilbo Baggins inherit from his parents?
Q4. What color was Bilbo Baggins’ front door?
Q5. As Bilbo Baggins got older, why did his neighbors begin to think he was strange?
Q6. Why did Gandalf think Bilbo Baggins was perfect for his plan with the dwarfs?
Q7. What did adventure did Gandalf ask Bilbo to go on?
Q8. Bilbo Baggins gave Frodo a chainmail (mithril)l coat. From whom did Bilbo acquire this mail coat?
Q9. When Smaug asks Bilbo Baggins his name, what is Bilbo’s response?
Q10. In the end, where did Bilbo Baggins live out his final years?
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