I Love Lucy Trivia

I Love Lucy Trivia

How much do you know about I Love Lucy?
Q1. I Love Lucy ran on CBS from when to when?
Q2. Where was I Love Lucy filmed?
Q3. In which city was I Love Lucy set?
Q4. What was Ricky Ricardo’s occupation on I Love Lucy?
Q5. What did they write into the second season of the I Love Lucy Show that coincided with Lucille Ball’s real life?
Q6. What is Lucy’s full name on I Love Lucy?
Q7. Where did Lucy reveal to Ricky that they were expecting a baby, on I Love Lucy?
Q8. What happens when Lucy dresses up as Superman for Little Ricky’s party and winds up getting stuck outside on the window ledge?
Q9. On I Love Lucy, Lucy and Ethel are working in a chocolate factory. The candy is coming to fast. What do the ladies do?
Q10. In which hilarious I Love Lucy episode can you find Lucy Ricardo stomping grapes?
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