Big Bang Theory Quotes Trivia

Big Bang Theory Quotes Trivia

10 funny quotes, can you guess who said them?
Q1. I'm not insane. My mother had me tested!
Q2. I love him, but if he's broken, let's not get a new one.
Q3. You call that a glow stick? *Pulls out a Lightsaber* That is a glow stick!
Q4. Your entire job is to find lost luggage and you've narrowed down the location of my mother to the planet Earth?
Q5. What computer do you have? And please don't say a white one.
Q6. Cute is for bunnies. I want to be something with sex appeal. Like a labradoodle.
Q7. If you're keeping him, I've got a cage you can borrow. One of the test monkeys slipped on a banana peel and broke his neck. It was both tragic and hysterical.
Q8. Oh, I understand. You wanna do something you're already good at? I know, why don't I get you a job at the sitting around all day wearing yoga pants factory?
Q9. You don't want to get into it with Sheldon. The guy's one lab accident away from being a super villain.
Q10. Sheldon knows football? I mean Quidditch, sure, but football?
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