The Hunger Games Trivia

Are You A Fan of the Hunger Games Books? Test Your Knowledge!
Q1. In which Hunger Games does Katniss compete?
Q2. What does Katniss get Prim for her tenth birthday, in the Hunger Games?
Q3. In the Hunger Games, who is a regular that buys strawberries from Katniss in the Hunger Games?
Q4. In the Hunger Games, what is one piece of advice Haymitch gives Peeta and Katniss before the Games begin?
Q5. When does Katniss propose an alliance with Rue, in the Hunger Games?
Q6. In the Hunger Games which Capital delicacy did Katniss seem to enjoy the most?
Q7. In the Hunger Games, Haymitch Abernathy is a heavy drinker. Who sells him his alcohol?
Q8. In the Hunger Games, Katniss has come close to death many times. What was the first attempt on her life?
Q9. The Career Pack is usually made up of which districts?
Q10. What were the first and last word in the “Hunger Games” book?
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