Even more 50 Shades of Grey Trivia

Even more 50 Shades of Grey Trivia

Test your knowledge of 50 Shades of Grey
Q1. What was E.L James original pen name?
Q2. Which other famous author has vowed never to read the books?
Q3. Which famous actress was offer the director role for the movie but turned it down?
Q4. How long did it take the movie cast members to learn their lines?
Q5. Why did Dornan have to learn a new walk when he was filming the part of Christian Grey?
Q6. Which brand of underwear was Dornan NOT formally a model for?
Q7. What slogan did one manufacturer put on a line of baby clothing related to 50 Shades of Grey?
Q8. Which chat show hostess is said to be a huge fan of 50 Shades of Grey?
Q9. How many weeks was 50 Shades of Grey in the New York Times best seller list?
Q10. How much did the film rights for 50 Shades of Grey sell for?
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