Home and Away Alf Stewart Trivia

Home and Away Alf Stewart Trivia

How much do you know about Home and Away's Alf Stewart?
Q1. Alfred James "Alf" Stewart was portrayed by whom?
Q2. What is the name of Alf Stewart’s second wife?
Q3. Alf’s wife died because of what?
Q4. To whom did Alf sell the Summer Bay Caravan Park too?
Q5. How many children does Alf Stewart have?
Q6. In the series Alf suffered what health condition?
Q7. Which of Alf’s sons was a total handful when he was a youngster?
Q8. Alf Stewart was born on Summer Bay in what year?
Q9. What Summer Bay event caused Alf’s store to collapse and, in turn, caused Alf to have a heart attack?
Q10. Who played the younger Alf Stewart during the 2010 series?
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