Star Trek Riker Trivia

Star Trek Riker Trivia

How much do you know about Riker from Star Trek?
Q1. What US state was Riker born in?
Q2. Who played Commander Riker?
Q3. Which of the following starships was Riker NOT offered command of?
Q4. What is the name of Commander Riker’s father?
Q5. What word did Deanna Troi use to call Riker when she was under the influence of the darker thoughts of Ambassador Ves Alkar?
Q6. After the serving on the Enterprise, what ship does Riker take command of?
Q7. How does Captain Picard normally refer to Commander Riker?
Q8. In what two episodes does William Riker was called Bill?
Q9. What episode does Commander Riker encountered his twin?
Q10. What nickname did Jonathan Frakes receive while acting in Star Trek: First Contact?
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