Criminal Minds Aaron Hotchner Trivia

How Much Do You Know About Aaron Hotchner?
Q1. What was the name of the very first episode that the character Aaron Hotchner appeared in on Criminal Minds?
Q2. What did Aaron Hotchner do in order to follow in his father's footsteps on Criminal Minds?
Q3. What is Aaron Hotchner's occupation in Criminal Minds?
Q4. What is Aaron Hotchner's line of work at the BAU on Criminal Minds?
Q5. What relation was Haley Hotchner to Aaron Hotchner on Criminal Minds?
Q6. Who is Jack Hotchner to Aaron Hotchner on Criminal Minds?
Q7. What sort of character would describe Aaron Hotchner on Criminal Minds?
Q8. What did Aaron Hotchner's son, Jack, dress up as for Halloween one year on Criminal Minds?
Q9. What is Aaron Hotchner's favorite album on Criminal Minds?
Q10. How many unsubs has Aaron Hotchner killed in hand-fights on Criminal Minds?
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