Game of Thrones House of Lannister Trivia

How much do you know about Game of Thrones House of Lannister?
Q1. At the beginning of Game of Thrones, who is the head of the House of Lannister?
Q2. What is on the crest of the House of Lannister?
Q3. What common saying can you often hear a Lannister say?
Q4. Where can you find the lands of the House of Lannister?
Q5. Where is the seat of the House of Lannister?
Q6. Which lands do the Lannisters lord over?
Q7. What type of weapon was the House of Lannister's ancestral weapon Brightroar?
Q8. What can the House of Lannister boast to being?
Q9. Why are the is the House of Lannister so rich?
Q10. What is the official motto of the House of Lannister?
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