Captain Janeway Trivia

Captain Janeway Trivia

How much do you know about Captain Janeway from Star Trek Voyager?
Q1. Where was Captain Janeway born?
Q2. In the movie Star Trek Nemesis, what rank was Janeway?
Q3. What type of dance did Captain Janeway learn as a child?
Q4. Who did Captain Janeway have a close relationship with at the Academy when she was a cadet?
Q5. What ship was Janeway first posted on after the Academy?
Q6. What is Captain Janeway's drink of choice?
Q7. Which other Star Trek captain would Janeway have loved to serve under?
Q8. What is Janeway's primary background?
Q9. What famous historical figure did Janeway like to play the apprentice of in the Holodeck?
Q10. Who was Janeway engaged to before getting trapped in the Delta Quadrant?
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