Yoda Trivia

Yoda Trivia

How much do you know about Yoda?
Q1. What is Yoda's official title?
Q2. In what movie did Yoda make his first appearance?
Q3. What species is Yoda?
Q4. In The Empire Strikes Back, where does Luke Skywalker find Yoda?
Q5. How old is Yoda when he dies?
Q6. The the Revenge of the Sith, where is Yoda when the Jedi's are assassinated?
Q7. Where does Yoda battle Palpatine at the end of Revenge of the Sith?
Q8. In Star Wars Clone Wars, what rank is Yoda?
Q9. In Star Wars Clone Wars, where does Yoda trick Captain Typho into taking him?
Q10. Which company created The Yoda Chronicles?
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