James T Kirk Trivia

James T Kirk Trivia

How much do you know about James T Kirk?
Q1. In what year was James Kirk born?
Q2. What was James Kirk's father's name?
Q3. Where was James Kirk born?
Q4. In what year did James Kirk die?
Q5. What record didJames Kirk born hold in Starfleet until Captain Kathryn Janeway beat him?
Q6. In what year did James Kirk join Starfleet?
Q7. In what year did James Kirk take command of the USS Enterprise?
Q8. What was James Kirk promoted to in 2270?
Q9. On what planet was Kirk living on as a child when he witnessed the massacre of 4,000 colonists by Kodos the Executioner?
Q10. What ship was James Kirk assigned to as Ensign in his first year at the Academy?
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