Disney Epcot Trivia

How much do you know about Disney Epcot?
Q1. When did Disney Epcot open?
Q2. What does Epcot stand for?
Q3. Where can visitors to Disney World see the original model of Epcot?
Q4. As well as Spaceship Earth, what other Epcot attraction does Siemens sponsor?
Q5. How many pavilions are there in the World Showcase?
Q6. How many open spots are there in the World Showcase for extra country pavilions to be developed?
Q7. Which country is between Canada and France in the World Showcase?
Q8. How far is it to walk around the World Showcase?
Q9. Who narrates the O'Canada movie in the World Showcase?
Q10. Which of the following is NOT a World Showcase Adventure
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