Chicago Blackhawks Trivia

How much do you know about the Chicago Blackhawks
Q1. In what year were the Blackhawks founded?
Q2. How many Stanley Cups have the Blackhawks won?
Q3. Which Division do the Blackhawks play in?
Q4. Who was the Blackhawks original owner?
Q5. What season did the Blackhawks win their first Stanley Cup in?
Q6. In what year did the Blackhawks add the color red to their jerseys?
Q7. What is the name of the Blackhawks mascot?
Q8. Who sings the national anthem for all Blackhawks home games?
Q9. Who is the only team captain of the Blackhawks to win 2 Stanley Cup victories?
Q10. Which number is NOT a retired Blackhawks jersey number?
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