50 Shades of Grey Trivia

50 Shades of Grey Trivia

You've read the books, now take the quiz on this steamy novel
Q1. What is the name of the Author of 50 Shades of Grey?
Q2. What is the name of the main character in the novel?
Q3. How many volumes is the book planned to be?
Q4. What city does the book take place in?
Q5. What prior novel series was 50 Shades of Grey supposedly written as fan fiction for?
Q6. Appoximately how many copies of 50 Shades of Grey have been sold?
Q7. Does Christian make Ana sign a contract?
Q8. What is the nationality of the author of the book?
Q9. What book series did 50 Shades of Grey pass for the all-time fastest selling novel?
Q10. What year was 50 Shades of Grey officially published?
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