70 Random Questions Survey Response by Anonymous

Here are the survey answers for 70 Random Questions Survey taken by Anonymous

What do you do on your free time?
Mostly listen to music and paint or draw.

How old are you?
I’m 16 years old.

Are you still in school?
Yes, I’m currently in my Junior year of high school.

Do you like where you live?
Yeah, it’s my home and everything I know is here.

What is your favorite band?
I don’t think I have a favorite band, but my favorite singer is Billie Eilish.

Have you ever been in love with somebody?
Um, that’s difficult to answer, I don’t think I’ve been in the type of love that people romanticize, but I think I’m in love with my best friend, just not in a sexual way, kind of in a “I love who you are and I’m proud to call you my friend” type of way.

Are you single or taken?
It’s kinda complicated, well actually it’s not really. I started talking to this girl who is 6 years older than me, which kinda freaked me out cause I don’t think I was ready for that. Then she texted me and told me that she doesn’t think it would be a good idea for us to be in a relationship consider g our age and the fact that she had just broken up with her ex girlfriend like a week ago. But then later she told me that her younger sister who is more around my age level liked me, which I did not see coming, so me and her are talking, and it’s pretty nice and a lot more comfortable than me and the other girl talking, but we’re still friends and stuff, plus one of her sisters is my best friend and I’m talking to her other one so.. yeah I know it’s a lot.

What happened with your last boyfriend/girlfriend?
I actually never have been in an actual relationship yet, I know weird right, most high school students are kinda hoes, but no, I just recently came out as gay, so I’m being really cautious with my actions right now since I don’t really know what I’m doing.

Do you have a lot of drama in your life?
I don’t think I have a lot of drama in my life, I’m a pretty laid back person and I kinda keep to myself.

Do you like to party?
I like to have fun with friends but I’m not like one of those crazy partiers.

If so, what kind of partying?
The type of “partying” that I like is when everyone is just relaxed and we can play like some fun dirty card games with each other, I like the parties that involve little to no alcohol, I don’t think those parties are for me. I just like to chill out and have a good time.

Are you a fun person?
I think I’m pretty fun, I don’t do the “get so drunk you break your neck jumping off of a table” type of fun though, I mostly like to make people laugh with dirty comedic behavior.

Are you loved by many people?
I hope so, there’s many people that I truly love and I deeply hope that they love me back.

Do you like your family?
Yes, definitely, I love them so much, my little sister kinda drives me nuts, but what can you do?

Do you have any animals?
Yeah I actually have a few pets, I have my own cat, Rosie, who is absolutely adorable and the sweetest thing ever, then we have another cat, Juniper, she’s super sweet too, and then there’s church and Fifi, also cats. Then for dogs we have Charlie, he’s just a puppy still, then there’s Lucy, she’s crazy cute, she has a little clubbed foot that flops around, then there’s dodger, he is absolutely nuts, and kind of a bad dog but we love him. Then we have our sweet

If so, whats its name? and is it a boy or girl?

Are you a prep,jock,nerd,goth,punk,or a mix of everything?

Do like labels?

Who is your bffl?

Do you sing in the shower?

What color hair do you have?

Would you ever dye your hair to a different color?

Did/do you like high school?

Grossest thing you've ever ate?

Have you ever been kicked out of a place for being immature?

Would you consider yourself mature or immature?

Would you get back with your ex?

Would your ex get back with you?

Are you poor,middle class, or fancy?

Do you laugh a lot?

In your text messages to you say lol,lmao,hahah a lot?

What was your last serious talk with someone about?

Do you like where you live?

Are you a fake or as real as they get?

Ever gotten plastic surgery?

Every been in the emergency room?

If so, what for?

Day or night?

Do you think pot should be legalized in usa?

Do you wear a lot of make up ig your a girl?

Do you chew gum often?

Do you brush your teeth every day?

Ever kissed a bad kisser?

If so, how bad was it?

Can you eat a lot of food?

Whats your favorite type of music?

Are you gay or straight or bi?i

Do you like obama?

Are you a democrat or a repbilican?

Ever stole anything?

Whats your favorite store at the mall?

What kind of cell phone do you have?

Xbox or playstation3?

Cod or halo?

Whats you favorite movie?why?

Do you like the dark?

Tv or video games?

Cable or satellite?

Ever been arrested?

If so, what for?

Late or on time?

Do you care to much?

Do you over think things?

Would you consider youself a control freak?

Do you eat your fruits and vegtables?

Are you on a diet?

Do you go to the gym?

Do you play a sport?if so which one?

What were you for this past halloween?

Lastly whyd you take this survey?(:

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