Controversial Issues Survey Response by Pipi

Here are the survey answers for Controversial Issues Survey taken by Pipi

Do you think that gay marriage should be legal?
Yes, I don't think it's fair to tell certain people they can't marry just cause they can't make babies, that's really what it comes down to

Do you think that gays should be allowed to seve in the military?
Yes, though it wouldn't be safe

What do you think about people who don't believe in god?
I don't believe either. People are shocked when I say it. Just because you believe in something doesn't mean everyone around you has to to. I just think they have a mind of their own and people don't like that

Are you pro life or pro choice?
Pro choice, it's that woman's body what she does with it isn't really your concern

Do you think we should test on animals?
Not really but it's got to be tested on something

How do you feel about illegal immigration?
They should stay out or get a green card. They take up resources and jobs from people who belong here.

Do you think it is ethical to do stem cell research?

Should be get rid of the death penalty?

Is torture ever acceptable?

Should the government have a say on our diets?
No, next thing you know they would be controlling what you wear.

Should the alcoholic drinking age be increased or decreased?
It should stay where it is, even if it changed you'd still have people drinking illegally

Should cigarette smoking be banned?
Yes, it's harmful to everyone around the smokers, I think it's inconsiderate

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