20 Strange Random Questions Survey Response by Danny Hoffmann

Here are the survey answers for 20 Strange Random Questions Survey taken by Danny Hoffmann

In a elavator would you tap someone on the shoulder and pertend it was not you?

What is your pet name?

Do you shower daily?
No (just when I;m filthy)/

Have you given anyone a patriotic wedgey?

How old is your mom?

If you had the chance to stick a bunch of cherry bombs in a toilet, would you?

How woulds you like to die?
In my skeep, with the beings I care about most on Earth (so it will seem like a small step to the afterlife for us).

Have you been run over in the last year?

If not, would you like to be?
I already am, so I'm O.K.

What was your hottest teachers name?
I don't know it, but this one special-ed teacher in grade school. That's all I've got, y'all.

Do you whish you could fly?
Sure, that'd be cool.

How long do you have to live?

Where is you favorite place to hide?
In my room with my dog, Hobbes.

When was the last time you played tag?
When I was in kindergarten...(?)

What is your favorite quote?
Psychedelic tie-dye.

Who would you like to kiss?
Michaela Bono, my New Jersey-bred fellow Zen student at Green Gulch Farm Zen Center. (in Muir Beach, CA).

What color would you change the sky to be if you could?

What did you last eat?
I have no memory (thanks to a recent head injury).

What would you like to have as your last supper?
Margarita pizza, orange chicken, and iced tea.

If you could ask god anything, what would it be?

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