90 Tell The Truth Random Questions Survey Response by Brussol

Here are the survey answers for 90 Tell The Truth Random Questions Survey taken by Brussol

What would you do if a blind guy/girl started hitting on you?
Well, I'd be sympathetic first of all... I'm not gay, so I'd let the guy down easy and tell him I'm sure there's somebody out there for him and that he'll find him for sure. But if she was a girl, I'd at least give her an idea of what I look like before I'd decide... I'd probably let her put her hands on my face so she can feel the bone structure. Guy or girl though, I'd go to Majin Buu and ask him to cure him or her of their blindness. He actually has the power to do that you know! Just imagine all the lives he could change!

Single or Taken?
Single. I've got my eye on someone, so I hope that'll change though.

Ever been in a fight?
Hahahahaha! I could write you an entire book series as an answer to this question! I fight every day of my life for all kinds of reasons, but never anything cruel!

If so with who and did you win? And did you use your fists or a weapon?
With a LOT of people... I guess my most memorable fight was with Bardock... This guy who was brainwashed at the time and brutally killed my three closest friends right in front of me... I didn't know he was being brainwashed though, so I was really furious and outraged when we had our show down in space... I used my fists mostly, I don't have any need for weapons when I can harness my energy.

Do you get in trouble for things you didn't do?
Sometimes haha! I ran into somebody in Conton City once and he accused me of making a move on his girl because she was acting depressed lately. It's true I SAW her, but all we did was have a small conversation!

What would you do if you found out your bestfriend were gay?
I'd probably comfort him or her. It would kind of crush my heart if I found out a girl I like is gay, but at least I'd know we would be even closer as friends for it and I can be there for her in ways few others can. If one of my guy buddies was gay, I'd let him know I was cool with it and that he shouldn't be ashamed about it. I'd make sure he knew that I was there for him 'cuz that doesn't change the fact that he's still my best friend.

Would you still hang out with them or ditch them and stop talking to them completely?
I answered all of that above actually. I'd still hang out and I'd try my best to make it feel like nothing changed between us. I mean if he was hitting on me though, I'm not sure what I'd do then... I'd be a little uncomfortable but I'd still try to be nice about it.

If you could speak 3 different languages, what would they be?
Well English first of all, since it's kind of my native tongue... Then I'd really love to be able to speak Namekian, maybe I can even find out more about the dragon they created! And for the third language, I guess Japanese. A lot of my friends are from Japan and I'd like to know a little more about their culture since I'm technically a foreigner here.

What would you rather have been named? Or do you like your name?
I love my name, I wouldn't wanna change it. It's Brussol, like the vegetable and with "sol" at the end, which I found out is Latin for the word "sun". It sounds like "Russel" too, so it's one of the more natural sounding names for a Saiyan.

Country you've most wanted to visit?
Why go with countries when I can visit other planets instead? I've traveled quite a lot actually... Every place I've ever wanted to go to, I've kind of already been there by now. Just part of my line of work I guess.

Would you hit your friend if you found out that he/she were going with your bf/gf?
I'd be really hurt of course and I'd probably get into a fist fight with him, but I wouldn't try to seriously hurt him back or anything... After I cooled down, we'd have to have an important talk about it, but I think we'd be able to work something out after that. It's one thing if we both fell in love with the same person... but if I found out my friend was trying to hurt me on purpose, I'd be devastated...

You and your friends are bored? What do you do?
Depends on the mood, but usually we'd get into a sparring match. If we were sore after a fight already or just weren't feeling up to it, then we'd probably just go swimming.

Do you find piercings/tattoos attractive?
I don't really care tbh. Piercings are like jewelry to me and tattoos are like wearing permanent paint. Certain tattoos can be cool on a guy and if a girl wears them they can be pretty hot, but it really all depends on the person and their style.

Are you addicted to anything?
Yeah, fighting hahaha! If I ever had to give up doing that, I'd probably lose my mind from boredom. Ask any Saiyan, they'd feel the exact same way.

What songs stuck in your head?
"This is War" by 30 Seconds to Mars.

Are you sporty or just pure lazy?
I'm pretty athletic. I only ever relax if I just got through a big workout or a really tough fight. I've got a high metabolism too, so all that exercise keeps me really fit.

When was the last time you went to a party?
I'm going to one soon actually... for the weirdest reason possible.... We're throwing a party as a celebration for a bearded bird laying an egg that will start a whole new universe..... Yeah, don't ask...

Was it any good?
I'll let you know when we have it. Should be really fun! Trunks isn't into it, but I'll try and get him to warm up to it. I'm kind of on his side though, we should save the celebrations for AFTER Towa and Mira are history.

What is the point of life?
To experience all that you can and do your part to make the world around you a better place for everyone to live in.

Do you hate Twilight as much as I do?
The vampire movies? I've never seen them and I can name a bunch of reasons why...

Who was the last person to make you laugh?
Elder Kai. He gets on my nerves but he makes some hilarious faces sometimes! Hahaha!

Ever had a prank go wrong?
Nope, I don't prank too often and when I do it's never something that can backfire badly on me. My biggest prank was when I swapped my Scouter with Zukino's and he didn't notice until he got one of my messages, but that was after I already read some of his log entries. He forgave me but he's not gonna read mine, instead he's gonna get payback some other way when I least expect it. I'm nervous but I'm still kind of looking forward to it after all that's happened to us...

Ever tried to outrun a bus?
No... But it wouldn't be hard, that's for sure.

If you were to jump out of your bedroom window right now, would you get badly injured?
Not at all, my house only has one floor. Even if it had an upstairs, I'd still just catch myself in mid-fall by flying, so it's all good either way.

What's the stupidest thing you've done?
I've made a lot of mistakes before... But my biggest one was probably killing somebody to avenge my friends who I thought he murdered, but it turns out it was somebody completely different who looks almost exactly the same... I don't need to be haunted by it since I still see the guy on a regular basis in Conton City, and he wasn't exactly innocent at all... but it still kinda sucks that I put him through all that when he didn't nearly deserve it...

Do you wanna try sky diving? I know I do?
Already have! When you can fly through the air whenever you want, why not jump from a high place and fall until you need to carry yourself back up again? It's a total rush, you should try it!

Ever smart mouthed at a cop?
Not a cop, but I've smart mouthed at Conton City robots before... They are the greediest, stingiest pieces of scrap you will ever meet...

Ever been held in jail for a night?
No, but if the Conton City bots find me, they'll probably try to give me a life sentence for screwing up their con-artist salesperson.

If so what could you have possibly done?
I paid for a new uniform and the Conton City con-artist tried to make me pay way more than the price tag said. When I ran off, he went completely insane and sent red alerts to the entire mainframe of sales bots and now I've even got security going after me! I've had to take out my tail JUST to get them to stop looking at me funny! I'm Conton City's most wanted, but apparently no Time Patrollers care about that or I'd have been busted a LONG time ago... Those robots are total nutjobs and they're not too bright either....

Wanna try bungee jumping?
Sounds like it might be fun! It might be better exercise to stop myself before I reach terminal velocity and then skyrocket into the air again before I try it with a cord though.

One word to descibe yourself?

To describe your friends?

What do you think is at the bottom of the rainbow?
It's just a reflection of special light isn't it? So probably a box of Lucky Charms.

Would you save a child if it meant possibly being killed yourself?

What do you have planned for the weekend?
A hero never rests so I'd still be doing my part to keep everyone safe. I'd probably go through a bunch of parallel quests just to take off some of the pressure though.

Would you talk to a stranger on the internet?
Sure, but I wouldn't get too personal with them.

What's on your mind right now?
Bringing my friends back to life with the Dragon Balls once Bardock is gone, everyone's safe, and Towa and Mira are down for the count.

You wake up as the opposite sex, what's the first thing you do?
Umm... this is embarrassing but I'd probably check myself out real quick... I'm not a pervert but if it's my own body then I don't think it counts right? Haha! After that I'd wanna get back to being me as soon as possible.

When you look in a mirror just after waking up, what thought runs through your head?
"Will this be the day I finally bring them back home?"

Are you hungry? I know I am?
Sure am! I've got a crazy collection of snacks and stuff in my bag though so I'm pretty much set. You want something?

Turn around, what do you see?
An empty sky... I'm lying down on top of a skyscraper, so...

Can you lick your elbow?
I like to think I'm pretty flexible, but no I actually can't hahaha!

Ever been attacked by a dog?
Nope, I've never met an animal who didn't love me as soon as they saw me.

What do you think of weddings?
I think they're nice. They're an important part of two people's lives and the lives of everyone they care about. It changes their whole world and it's pretty amazing to see.

If you could make anyone disappear, who would it be?
Towa and Mira. They don't even belong in this timeline (okay neither do I) and they do nothing but try to cause chaos, so they should just go back to where they came from... Which conveniently is Hell from the future.

Do you have an interesting scar?
No, but a girl I know does on her left cheek. I've never gotten a scar before, usually just bad burns and bruises.

If so, how'd you get it?
I don't have a scar, but I get all kinds of bruises from fights I'm in, and if I take an energy blast head-on it can burn me pretty badly.

Ever dated someone you didn't find attractive in the least?
No, why would I do that? I wouldn't date somebody for a dare, that might be getting their hopes up or they wouldn't be interested and that'd just be awkward.

Have you ever had a 'kick me' sign stuck to your back and didn't know?
Haha! Yeah, I got teased a lot when I was a kid for being so nice to everybody when everyone around me was pretty mean-spirited. People kept kicking me in the shin and I didn't know why for most of the day until Mizuna saw the piece of paper and took it off for me. I got a couple people back with a 'blast me' sign too! That was super funny but thankfully nobody got hurt.

Did you ever begged your parents for a pony when you were little?
There's a lot wrong with that question, but a big one is that I don't remember having any parents at all... I wouldn't want a pony but I think I did ask for my own Saibaman at one point.

Something you regret?
Giving up the last three Attack Balls to my best friends and leaving myself to die on a burning planet... If I'd just tried to squeeze into one with Mizuna, we'd all still be alive together and none of this would have ever happened... I don't care about all the teasing we'd get for it, I'd do it in a heartbeat if it meant avoiding everything that came afterward....

Last concert you went to?
I don't have time for concerts unfortunately. I do wanna see Five Finger Death Punch LIVE though.

Who is the last person that made you cry?
Bardock... if you wanna split hairs.....

Do you actually believe that Alaska is covered in snow?
Umm, sure, why not? Wait, are you telling me it's NOT? I'll just fly down there and find out I guess.

Type your name, only using your elbow!
Hahahaha! That's hilarious! Okay here goes: brtjudsxsdxoll.

Are you purposely irratating?
I troll people sometimes but I'm never a jerk about it.

If you were another person, would you be friends with you?
Yeah, definitely. Guys say I'm a pretty chill dude and girls think I'm a sweetheart so I don't see why not.

Ever lost anything down the toilet?
No haha! That would really suck though.

What comes to mind when I say 'CABBAGE'?
The fact that I'm blown away that there isn't a Saiyan I know who has that name. Or even anything close to it! All these Saiyans and not ONE was named after Cabbage??? That's insane!!!

If you were walking down a street and somebody sprayed you with water, what would you do?
I'd laugh about it and then I'd wrestle the squirt gun or Super Soaker from the person's hand and spray them back with it hahaha!

Have you had any broken bones?
Yeah, a few times actually. We have healing tanks for that though and they work total miracles. One time my arm was completely dead limp and a day in the healing chamber made it good as new! And don't even get me started on these things called Senzu Beans...

Do you know all the words to your National Anthem?
No I don't... I'm sort of a foreigner but I guess that's no excuse, huh? I should probably try to learn them sometime.

Ever crawled through somebody elses window?
Yeah, a couple times when I was still working for the World Trade Organization. If the place was a ghost town, I needed to check the houses sometimes for any signs of life. Everybody else just blows them up but I'm not a jerk like that.

If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?
Emerald green.

Do you find Russell Brand funny or irratating? Or both?
Wow, that's just crazy.... I don't know who Russell Brand is but almost ALL of my clothes are from the Russell brand! Everything but my pajamas! Hahahahaha! That's crazy ironic, huh?

Have you ever sat down in a chair but fell to the floor, only to find that someone pulled out your chair on purpose?
Yeah, when I was younger that happened a lot. It never hurt though, it was just kinda annoying.

Do things like that still amuse you when they happen to other people?
No I think that's pretty weak humor, especially if somebody gets hurt from it... Not everybody's as durable as me and that can leave someone pretty sore.

Did you know that twinkle twinkle little star and the alphabet have the same rhyme?
No, but I needed to sing them out loud just to know for sure. I think there's a very very slight difference that makes the alphabet rhyme a little more complex.

Did you just sing them to make sure?
Haha! Yeah, I had to.

What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever licked?
I've tried a lot of different foods in my time. It's gross but I once poked and then licked a slug creature that was supposed to be part of our lunch. I did it to make sure it was really dead and I was afraid it was gonna start moving. Thank god it didn't.

Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle?
Yeah. When I was working for the World Trade Organization, we rushed around a lot. If there was an emergency mission in the middle of the night, I'd usually jump into the space pod and change into my combat gear on the ride there. Tons of people I know did the same thing, it just saves time.

In your opinion, what is the best lollipop flavour?
Blue raspberry, but I really like Cotton Candy too. Cotton Candy's way harder to find haha!

How long does it take you to get ready to go out?
Like five minutes honestly... I just wake up, brush my teeth, put on deodorant, change into my uniform, and then I'm out the door to go shower at the waterfall area. If you count the shower, then I take about about 25 minutes total.

Would you rather be able to fly for a day or be invisible for a day?
I can already fly and I've been doing it for as long as I can remember. I'd love to see what it's like to be invisible, I could have a lot of fun with that for a day hahaha!

When’ s the last time you showered?
This morning.

If you didnt shower for 3 days do you think you would smell?
With all the exercise and fighting I do, definitely! If I didn't shower for 3 whole days, I'd be pretty rank after all that.

Do you sleep in a single or double bed?
I can sleep pretty much anywhere. Lately I've just been sleeping on the carpet on top of some blankets and with more blankets on top of me in case I get cold. I use my hand as a pillow usually.

Who’s car were you last in that wasn’t family?
I was in the Time Machine... It belongs to my bosses and my partner on the Time Patrol so I guess that's not from family?

Are they a good driver in your opinion?
The Time Machine isn't exactly something you "drive"... Trunks knows his way around it though, so yes.

Would you rather have a pet Ostrich or a pet Sheep?
Huh?... Well, I guess a sheep. Ostriches are interesting but I wouldn't want the feathers to get all over me. And the sheep would be really soft too, so it'd be nice when I pet it.

Do fish make good pets?
I've never had a fish as a pet... Honestly, I think they make even better dinners hahaha! But if you had a pet fish then it'd be in a tank, so wouldn't that be pretty lonely for you?

What colour is you hair?
Blueish green. A teal color I guess.

Is that your natural hair colour?
Teal's my natural hair color. The only time it isn't teal is when I go Super Saiyan, and that changes its whole style somehow.

Do you have any weird phobias?
No phobias, just some pretty rough paranoia...

Do you have a crush on anyone?
Yeah... I'm not sure if she knows, but I've liked her a lot since we were both really young.

Are you a happy person?
I hope so, but the sad thing is I don't really know... I just want my friends back.... I know THAT would make me the happiest guy in the world.... Even when I'm not happy though, I'm still pretty carefree.

Do you sing like no-one is watching/listening?
No I don't sing. Sometimes I hum to myself though.

Do you swear often?
I only swear when I'm really REALLY ticked off... You'd have had to really get under my skin for me to drop a cuss word on you.

What do you think of your friends?
They mean everything to me, and I would do anything to have us all back together again...

Last but not least, what's your name?

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