70 Random Questions About You Survey Response by Anonymous

Here are the survey answers for 70 Random Questions About You Survey taken by Anonymous

If you woke up as the opposite sex, whats the first thing you would do?
Go out topless all day

Are you addicted to anything?
Addicted to love

What do you see in a guy/girl?
In my guy, i see charm, loyalty, comfort, total understanding, silliness, and dependability. Perfect for me in every way

Has an animal ever attacked you?
Yes, i got bit by a pit while trying to save my dog from his jaws

When was the last time someone made you laugh really hard?
Johnathon can make me laugh until it literally hurts.

Do you find piercings/tattoos attractive?
Yes but not too much of either.

What's the weirdest thing you've ever licked?
Johns toes

When you wake up, what's the first thought that runs through your head?
I need caffeinated

Do you actually believe Alaska is covered in snow?
Well yeah... I thought it was technically ice

Are you ever purposely irritating?
No i just get lucky i guess lol

Would you ever play strip poker?
What are the stakes and whose playing?

If you could make someone disappear, who would it be?
All pedophiles

Look behind you, what do you see?
A window

What's your fav thing about the opposite sex?
Having my fav person of the opposite sex to cuddle with

What's the most important thing to you?
Exposing my daughter to all necessary parts of life and ensuring her understanding in hopes she will take every effort to better herself in total self respect and love. Hoping to use my own experience to better her

What would you be doing right now if you were kicked off your computer?
Watching tv or sudoku

How do you spend your weekends?
Im in the food industry, so ill be found at work

Who do you want to be with right now?
My mom. Id love to see where her journeys taken her since her death

Are you fun to hang with?
You know it boo!

What country would you love to visit?
France/UK/spain/italy/iceland/japan/ basically all of them

What's on your mind right now?
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood

When was the last time you went to a good party?
My job is enough party for me.

Fav song?
If i die young

Can you lick your elbow?

If you jumped out your bedroom window right now, how injured would you be?
Ehh not too bad

What would you do if your bf/gf cheated on you with your best friend?

Do you like anyone you can't have?
No ive got the man i love

Do you dance even without music?
At times

Does anyone tease you cause of your name?

What song is stuck in your head right now?

What's your darkest secret?
If I tell you I'd have to kill you

What do you think is at the end of the rainbow?
The end of the rainbow

If a blind guy/girl started hitting on you, what would you do?
Sick john on him

What was the last concert you want to?

Do you speak your mind?
Too much

Can you handle the truth?

What would you do if someone random on the street came up to you and started hitting on you?
Start talking in jibberish and get all twitchy and fart at them

Ever been caught naked?
By the Lord in the shower every day

Ever been in a fight?

If so did you win?

Have you ever cheated on your bf/gf?
In a different time and diff me, i have. Never on john

Done anything illegal lately?
Does driving over the limit count?

Name the most stupidest thing you've ever done?
Lowered my standards to appease others

Would you talk to someone you don't know on the internet?
Prob no. I barely talk to the people I do know

Ever been in trouble for something you didn't do?
Sounds familiar

Ever done anything stupid towards a cop?
Only once. And i was justified in my opinion

Have you ever been in an accident of some sort?

If yes, may I ask what the accident was? (You don't have to answer this if you don't want to)

Have you lied to your parents about where you've been or going?

Ever had a prank turn out wrong? (and I don't mean the person dying or anything like that)

Would you send money to a starving family in another country?

Are you hungry?
Always ima taurus

If you could speak another language, what would it be?

One word to describe yourself?

To describe your friends?

What's the last present you've received?
Cigarettes from dad

What would you rather have as a name?

Any siblings?

Are you a sporty kind of person or do you like to lay around and do nothing but watch tv or sit at the computer?
The latter

Could you outrun a bus?
If it was broke down

You and your friends are bored. What do you do?
talk about end-of-the-world scenarios and what we do

Who hates Twilight as much as I do?
Not this girl

What's your middle name?

What's your fav website?
Sudoku .com

Single or Taken?
happily taken

Good or Bad kisser?

What would you do if the world were coming to an end?
Get supplies and shelter

Biggest regret ever?
Not putting appropriate level of importance on school

Would you have givin into peer pressure?

Last but not least. What's your name?

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