15 Wacky Random Questions Survey Response by tired

Here are the survey answers for 15 Wacky Random Questions Survey taken by tired

If you were a dog what would you want your name to be?

How are you today?
depressed, a little more than usual...

You have to choose; owning 9 cats, eating peanut butter forever!
right now i have 2 cats and 1 of them is a massive asshole so let me just eat peanut butter instead

If you could make the sky any color what would it be?
the colour of space, forever.

Do you think some people are mind readers?
hey, it could be possible. we never know. although i feel sorry for anyone reading my thoughts they're messed up im not even kidding you'd just want to rip your damn brain out or drink bleach.

Would you want to choose your dying date?
no thanks. because what if i make a mistake and regret choosing that specific day? things can change!

Would you want to choose how you die?
yeah, that sounds pretty cool. let me die 49 years after winning the lottery.

How many woods did the woodchuck chuck?
no idea. i dont think woodchucks keep count.

How many fingers am I holding up?

Would you ever live a life like Tarzan and be raised by apes?
yeah i'd love to be a fit ape-man who swings from trees and has gorgeous hair.

Should Obi-Wan have been more through and chopped off Anniken's head?

Should Sarah Palin be banned from government?
i don't care about sarah palin. i don't care about anything. im living under a rock.

If you could, would you erase America's debt?
i'm not from America.

Whats your hair color?

Did you ever wish you were a member of the opposite sex?

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