30 Personality Type Questions Survey Response by Cadence

Here are the survey answers for 30 Personality Type Questions Survey taken by Cadence

Do You Like Your Name?

What Age Would You Like To Be Right Now?

Do You Have Pets?

How Many Best Friend's Do You Have?

What's Your Favorite Color?

Do You Like To Go Shopping?

Are You Into Sports?

What's Your Favorite Hobby?

Do You Like To Read?

What Do You Do When You Are Mad?

What Word Do You Catch Your Self Saying A Lot?

MacDonald's Or Burger King?

Coke Or Pepsi?

Summer Or Winter?

Are You Nice To Everyone?

Do You Like Swimming?

How Do You Do Your Hair Often?

What City Or State Would You Like To Go To?

What Kind Of Ice Cream Do You Like Most?

Hot Cheetoes Or Doritos?

Do You Like School?

Are You In School?

Do You Play Video Games?

What Do You Do For Fun?

Do You Talk A Lot In The Phone?

Are You More Shy, Or Talkative?

Do You Like Going Outdoors?

Do You Like Rainy Days?

Do You Have A Favorite Restaraunt? If Yes, Which One?

Are You Awesome?

Honestly, Are You?

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