15 Questions about your mom Survey Response by Hpock

Here are the survey answers for 15 Questions about your mom Survey taken by Hpock

Would you be hurt if she died?

Is she still wtih your dad?

How old is she?
45 about to turn 46 in 9 days

Do you know her birthday?
February 15th, 1969

Did she graduate?

If yes, what school?

Would you even care if she died?

Has she hit you?

Does she drink?
Yes, but she shouldn't as much as she does

When did she meet your dad?
I think she was like 30

Do you love her?
Yes so very much

Do you think she regrets having you?
I hope not

Does she smoke?
Yes, but I don't want her to

Is she super nosie?

Do you think this survey was too personal?

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