The Ultimate 200 Question Survey Response by Duke

Here are the survey answers for The Ultimate 200 Question Survey taken by Duke

What's your name?
It can be whatever you want for the right price, otherwise its Aaron.

How old are you? When's your birthday?
Are you trying to steal my identity? These questions are rather probey (butt probey)... I'm as old as I am, and my birthday is the day that I age the previous answer by 1 year.

What state do you live in?

The Top 5 Movies of all time are...
I don't really like answering this question, there are way too many to choose especially after I took the film class at UAA.

The Top 5 Songs of all time are...
Well my favorite is Sledgehammer by Peter Gabriel, other than that I enjoy a lot of other songs it just depends on my mood.

The Top 5 Music Artists of all time are...
There are a lot of artists I "should" list here, like people expect The Beatles, ACDC, Pink Floyd, Rolling Stones etc, but in all honesty without Mozart, Chopin, Bach, etc the others wouldn't exist.

Do you read for pleasure? What do you read?
I don't read that often, its harder for me with my ADD to sit down and enjoy a book when I can get faster satisfaction through a game or the TV. If I do read its normally a graphic novel or comic book, but I have read a few books and I am currently reading Ready Player One.

If you could spend a day with anyone in the world, who would it be?
Any one of my friends, but I'd really like to see my friend Tammy or even Victoria. I have yet to meet my friend Rebecca and I'd like to see her, and my friend James and his wife I havn't seen since they left Alaska I miss them.

Why would you choose that person?
My reasons are my own, but I explained some of it in the previous question.

What would you do with them that day?
Talk mostly, there's a lot to talk about with each of them.

Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? What's their name(s)?
No, no one wants me.

Do you get along with your parents?
My dad most of the time, my mother and I don't get along very much. My dad says its because we're too much alike but I think its because we didn't bond very well when I was very young (thats just speculation).

This is question number 13. Do you believe in bad/good luck?
I believe that anything that does happen to you in this universe/reality has happened, is happening and will happen again. I think thats what deja'vu is as well. If you think about it, if you use the cause and affect theory it explains everything. The only thing that would go against my theory would be the chaos aspect, but its possible that even in what we consider to be chaos there is order.

Do you drink?
I need water to survive, at least thats what my 5th grade health teacher used to tell us.

Do you smoke cigarettes/cigars?
Sometimes, normally when I'm drinking (not water) or when I feel like shit.

Do you use drugs?
I take a few that keep me "normalized", otherwise I'd probably try to keel myself every day.

Do you have any tattoos?
I have 2, one on my left arm and one on my back.

Do you have any nicknames?
I used to call myself JoJo from Tommy Boy, but I more or less use Duke now. Also a lot of people have been either calling me A A Ron or just Ron now.

Saving Private Ryan or Black Hawk Down?
Both, although I'd probably choose Band of Brothers over Saving Private Ryan. It really just depends on the mood, also I havn't seen any of those movies in years.

Which movie is the best: Twilight, Titanic, The Notebook
...I can't even answer this question, if I did it would legitimize the fact someone out there would actually choose Twilight...

Braveheart or Gladiator?
Gladiator by leaps and bounds, one of the most epic movies that was made in my life time. It was my favorite, and I still rate it at the top.

Pearl Harbor or A Walk to Remember
Pearl Harbor, but only because I have not actually seen A Walk to Remember. Also because it's a pretty good movie.

Girls: Brad Pitt or David Beckham?
If I was a woman I would say 90's Brad Pitt, I'm secure enough in myself to say that he was pretty good back then.

Guys: Jessica Alba or Jessica Simpson?
Neither?... They're not really my type in all honesty. Zooey Deschanel from Elf, or Jennifer Connelly from well anything would be my optimum choices.

The Hills or One Tree Hill?
No clue, I don't watch that stuff. I only know about The Hills because Brian from Family Guy dated one of the blondes from the show.

Family Guy or The Simpsons
The Simpsons from the earlier seasons, and Family guy for the later seasons.

What's the worst movie you've seen?
Thor can answer this one for me, something to do with Hands?

What's the worst song you've heard?
It's Friday... Thanks David lol

What's the worst TV show you've seen?
Uhhhh... Thats a very good question, if its really that bad then I stop it so I don't know if I can answer this.

Can you watch golf on TV for over 10 minutes?
No... Oh my god no, it's like muscle relaxers for the brain.

Can you watch tennis on TV for over 10 minutes?
No, at least I don't know. It's never interested me so I've never cared to try.

Can you watch poker on TV for over 10 minutes?
I have seen a professional match of poker before, its interesting. I don't know who it is but I cheered for the guy that wore sunglasses and had long hair.

Can you watch football on TV for over 10 minutes?
Yeah, although I wouldn't choose to watch it. If it was at someone else's house I could sit through it.

When you turn on the TV, what's the first channel you watch?
I myself do not have cable, I just borrow my Netflix from Deej. If I were to watch TV on my parents set it would be SCI-FI, IFC, or Comedy Central with it being The History Channel or The Discovery Channel at times.

MTV or VH1?
This is an old survey, doesn't MTV have like 4 or 5 different channels now? Anyway it's neither... Youtube is now what MTV and VH1 was supposed to be, not this reality show crap shoot.

What's the last song you listened to on repeat?
Can't remember, I don't think I've had anything on repeat in years like maybe 10+ years.

If you could own 5 houses anywhere in the world, where would they be?
San Francisco so I could sell it for profit, one in Anchorage so I could see friends and have my own place, somewhere in Germany and I'm not really sure about anywhere else.

Would you rather travel to Europe or Australia?
Europe, Australia has things that give my bad dreams nightmares... Plus Europe has Germany.

Would you rather swim in the ocean or in a pool?
Pool, the ocean is nice to wade in but not really my thing to swim in it.

Would you rather take a vacation to the ocean or a lake?
Ocean, lakes are nice but I've had things like leeches and swimmers itch from lakes so I'm a little hesitant to go in them.

What's better, the last day of school or your birthday?
Neither. I don't have to worry about school anymore (other than student loan payments I can't pay) and my birthdays are a shadow of what they used to be. My last birthday nothing happened, first year I didn't do anything since I was like ... Ever?

What do you want your career to be when you're older?
It doesn't matter anymore, I keep wanting it to be something but it never works out. I'm done trying to make plans.

Where do you want to live when you're older?
Have no clue, it doesn't really matter where I'm at its the people that make it worth while. Although Alaska would be my choice if it was not for how the place drains your joy 9 months out of the year.

Do you want to have a spouse? Kids? How many?
I want to but it'll never happen. I would like to have kids but that won't happen either. Not even sure I can have them honestly, not even sure I should.

Favorite season?
Summer in Alaska, Spring/Fall Oregon (it's way too damn hot here in the Summer).

Favorite month?
In Alaska its June, statistically I think it rains the less in June there and its not too hot and not too cold. Don't really have a favorite anywhere else, although I've only really lived (as an adult) outside of Alaska for 2-3 years? That includes Seattle when I was 18.

Halloween or Thanksgiving?
Thanksgiving, I'm all about the food. I would probably say Halloween if I had someone to dress up with, or friends that wanted me around to party with.

What do you fear?
You want interrogation pointers don't you! Is this ISIS?

Would you skydive for $400?
You know what? I used to say I would never do it, but I probably would now.

If you were on death row, and had one night to live, what would you have for dinner?
I think this answer has always been the same since I was a kid and knew they had last suppers for prisoners. I would eat the biggest meal possible, so that I would leave a mess for them to clean up after my execution. My last laugh if you will.

How often do you take a bath/shower?
I normally don't take baths anymore, the thought of soaking in your own filth isn't appealing to me. Showers? Max is 30 minutes but its normally like 15, 30 is when I feel like crap and just use the shower as an escape or place to make sense of my thoughts.

Would you rather be deaf or blind?
Deaf, I'm a very visual person... There are subtitles in movies that I can read if I needed to, and you can still feel the music through its vibrations.

Are you right handed or left handed?
Right handed, right footed, left brained... Which does not make any sense to me.

Saint Patrick's Day or Valentine's Day?
Neither... Valentines day meant something when I was with someone but now its just meh. Although even when I was with someone I felt it was too commercialized. I don't really drink, so Saint Patricks day doesn't matter to me.

Would you rather be extremely intelligent or extremely rich?
Why not both? Extremely intelligent would be great except I would probably hate life even more, and extremely rich I would have money and financial security but without the wisdom or intelligence to know how to save/spend the money its not really worth it. The be careful of what you wish for comes to mind.

Favorite ice cream flavor?
I have a few... If I go by Ben & Jerry's I normally eat the Chunky Monkey or the Everything but the... Sometimes the Cherry Garcia... Now I want ice cream, damn you survey! KHAAAANNNNNNN!!!!

Think of the most important person in your life. Would you die this very moment to save their life?
I don't have a "most important person", but I would die for anyone of the people that I have in my life.

Have you ever been electrocuted?
Kind of?... This is probably the same answer still, but when I was getting my back tattoo the artist didn't realize one of the wires was exposed and it kept shocking me when he turned it on. The actual tattoo didn't hurt lol.

What color are your eyes?
Blue baby, what are yours?

What color is your hair?
I used to be blonde, then it went dirty blonde later in life, and it is now pretty much brown and going white/grey.

Have you ever been in a physical fight? Did you win?
I used to get into a lot of fights when I was a kid. I won all of them, but I also don't believe in fighting fair. Also I was usually the bigger kid, and my reasons for fighting were to defend someone that was being bullied.

If you could have one wish, and you couldn't wish for more wishes, what would you wish for?
I think its funny when people wish for Peace on Earth, you know what would happen if you said that? The human race would go extinct. You have to think about the wish before you make it, so I've spent a long time thinking about it. I'd ask for the powers of Q from STNG with the knowledge of how to use it.

Pancakes or Waffles?
Pancakes, but with eggs over medium so I can eat them the way I like to.

Do you put your arms up when you're on a rollercoaster?
No, the rollercoasters I've been on were either you can't do that on the ride (like The Batman) or I was holding on for dear life. Because even though I grew to like them they still scared me lol.

Chris Brown or Usher?
Not much of an R&B fan.

Salt or Pepper?
Is this about Hip Hop or spices? lol

McDonald's or Burger King?
McDonald's fries and Burger Kings burgers.

What's worse: a headache or a stomach ache?
Oh my gosh, thats like asking me which friend I like the most. Can't really choose, cause both of them are the worst possible thing you can have when you have them.

What's worse: a dentist appointment or a doctor's appointment?
Doctors appointment, because you have to sit there for like 20 minutes before anyone will see you. Normally at the dentists you're seen right away by a tech.

If NASA gave you the oppurtunity to go to the moon next week, would you go?
Yes, I would go in a heart beat.

How many world wars have their been?
2 but I'm pretty sure a 3rd one is coming soon. It's a really sad state of affairs to think this is actually a question on this survey... Unless its meant to be like a time capsule or something, to show you how much time has passed.

Favorite Disney movie?
W.A.L.L.E. although that was Pixar before it went back to Disney right? So I'm honestly not sure then, maybe ... Yeah can't choose.

Do you like air conditioning or a fan? Both?
Depending on the time of year. Fans work well when its not hot as balls outside, and there is nothing outside that will give me an allergic reaction.

Have you ever drank sweet tea? Did you like it?
Love it... Although I'd like some Thai Iced Tea over sweet tea.

How do you like your eggs cooked?
Over medium. Would you believe I didn't know the name of it till like 9 or so years ago, and I kept asking for Sunny Side up and always thought the cooks sucked at cooking eggs?...

Do you like the smell of gasoline?
Actually? Yes... Yes I do...

What's the first thing you do when you wake up?
Fart... Probably.

What were you doing at 5pm yesterday?
Napping probably or watching a show on TV? Wait no, its probably watching TV.

Do you make your bed?
No... I don't see the point in it. Its like 5-10 minutes of wasted time that could be used on some other wasting time activity lol. But seriously, I wreck my bed every night so its like fighting a battle you know you can't win.

Favorite candy flavor (Lemon, Cherry, Grape, Lime, Orange)?
Lemon usually, I like to eat lemonheads when I'm playing games.

Would you rather drown or die from falling?
Thats a relatively shitty question lol... You want me to think of what would suck worse? Which means I have to actually envision how it would feel. Would it make me sound even more morbid if I asked how I would drown, like how deep is the water and would my body be removed? You know none of the bodies from the Titanic or the ships in Pearl Harbor exist anymore? And if it was in like a bathtub would I be found early? Cause its pretty gross if you stay in the tub filled with water... No seriously like really gross. See I'm thinking about the people who find me before thinking about myself, thats nice of me right?

Favorite school subject?
It was always art, but thats more of an extra curricular activity than a subject I guess (or at least the school boards would have you believe that ((politics...)). I would probably choose science class or history depending on the subject.

Least favorite school subject?
Math... This answer will always be math.

Where were you on September 11th, 2001, at 9am?
This answer should also be the same, in all honesty I remember it like it was a moment ago. I woke up to see my parents watching it on the news, it still wasn't that bad cause in Alaska at 9am EST it was like 5am, and I didn't wake up till like 6:30. So it was roughly around when the 2nd plane hit. I ended up calling Sylvio before he and his sister went to school, because Sylvio was the only person I knew that had ties to NY.

What's your ringtone?
I don't know, I don't answer my phone normally so its usually on vibrate.

What's the worst color combination?
Shit yellow and ummm not really sure what that other color is.

Favorite color?
Blue, not really sure what shade of blue to call it or what the name of it actually is but its a darker shade of blue that I like the most.

Would you rather take a bus or a taxi?
Neither... The public bus system is horrible. Seriously people, be at the right stop on time so they don't have to have 20 stops on the same city block... And I don't like how Taxi drivers drive, like its the video game or GTA to them.

Would you shave your head for $500?
I've done it before without being offered money. I wanted to see what I would look like... Its not good. That being said, for 500 I'd do it all over again.

What time is it right now where you live?
5:17am, should have asked earlier what time it was when I started.

Have you ever been to West Virginia?
What kind of question is that?... I mean out of all the places on Earth to choose from and you ask about West Virginia?.. No.

Favorite mascot (Lion, Raider, King, Titan, Tiger, Hawk, etc.)?
Ummmmmm... Dragon? Does that count? Just because its a dragon damnit, thats why.

Are your more afraid of a Grizzly bear or a Great White shark?
"Are your more"... That's it I'm done...................... *I lied* Great White dude... Their eyes are creepy as shit.

Do you like jokes or riddles?
Jokes, riddles are cool but only when I don't have to rely on Batman to save me.

If you could have any car, what would you have?
Ummm anything?.. I'm not really a car person, so I'm not really sure how to answer this realistically so I'll just say the Deloreon, but it has to be the actual time traveling car from the 2nd movie, not just the prop.

Would you rather go back to 1985 or forward to 2025?
1985, I'm pretty sure life was better back in the 80's. Americans were still pretty ignorant to the horrors of the world (even after Vietnam). And I'm pretty sure that every year is just going to get considerably worse year after year. With the state of how we treat the world, and how we treat each other I'm pretty sure another great extinction event is looming over the horizon. You can call me a pessimist but I see it as more realist because I take the evidence I see around me and formulate an outcome based on my available data, and thats what I see.

Are you sitting still right now?
Ummm sort of? What kind of question is this? I'm dancing in my chair to the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1 Soundtrack right now and typing.

What's the last song you heard?
I want you back, by the Jackson 5.

Have you ever drank spoiled milk?
Yes... But not the chunky kind, just the kind that tastes sour and I end up spitting it out and dumping the rest.

Favorite type of food (Italian, American, Seafood, Chinese, etc.)?
Italian (Lasagna ((probably my favorite food)), but as a choice its probably between Mexican and Chinese.

Favorite food (Hamburger, Salad, Cow Tongue, Sushi, etc.)?
...Cow tongue? Who the fuck wrote this, Leather Face?... Lasagna would be my answer, creepy ass OP...

Have you ever been in a car accident?
I've been in 2 that totaled my car, only once was I driving for one of them. The other 3, one was when I was with Tammy where I saved her life by forcing her to wear a seat belt. The 2nd was when Alex's car got T-Boned and totaled. The 3rd I was rear ended on the roundabout on Dowling, it wasn't really her fault and she did no damage to my car or hers so we left it as is and went our separate ways.

Favorite Cereal?
it changes, I used to really like Life cereal. But I really do like Cinnamon toast crunch.

What do you find the most attractive in the opposite sex?
Facial features i.e. eyes, nose, smile and hair etc.

Biggest turn-off?
Not really sure what to call it since I'm not looking at a thesaurus but the easiest way to say it would be, not nice.

Favorite male name?

Favorite female name?
Celeste (I think, it changes).

Would you have Osama Bin Laden killed or imprisoned?
This question shows its age lol... In all honesty killing him could have made him a martyr, so I would have had him imprisoned and done everything in my power to break him. (I have a dark side)

Have you ever had braces?
Nope, my parents couldn't do it even with military health coverage. Have to love a country that says its the most progressive and best but no one has guaranteed free health care other than the wealthy and political minority. Where potentially vital medical research is outlawed because of dark age religious views and morals. *ahemStemCellsahem*

Have you ever been streaking?
A few times, I think alcohol was involved each time. ...From what I am told that is lol.

Have you ever broken a bone? What?
Yes, still only one that I'm aware of. I broke a bone in my wrist, it was a hair line fracture on one of the small bones that controlled my thumb.

Do you play any sports? What?
Not really. I used to play soccer, as a matter of fact thats how I got my broken bone lol.

What's cuter: a puppy or a kitten?
Both are equally as cute... OMG... But I want a kitten. Too bad I can't have one for the foreseeable future.

Would you experience the worst pain in the world for 30 seconds for $1000?
Ummmm I'm not sure what the worst pain would be, but I'm sure 1,000 isn't that much.

You're in a small plane, the pilot dies, and there's one parachute. Do you try to land the plane or jump?
I put the parachute on the dead pilot and launch him out the door as I wish him luck on his travels.. WTF?! Seriously? The question should be like the Pilot is dead and you and another passenger are alive, blah blah blah... This is a silly question.

The traffic light turns yellow. Do you accelerate or slow down?
Depends on the road conditions and how close I am to the light.

It's the middle of the night and you're the only car on the road. Do you run a red light?
I know from experience that you might think you're the only car on the road but with my luck it would be that one time I choose to do it that a cop would see it.

Batman or Superman?
Superman... I mean obviously I'm going to say Superman because well, I've been a fan since I was a toddler. But in a battle between the two I think Batman would have the upper hand, but only because of the quote "Deep down Clark is a good person, and deep down I know I'm not." Although if it was the alternate reality of the super heroes Superman would kill Batman with little to no trouble.

Are you wearing clothes right now? What are you wearing?
Yesh... To my sisters delight I'm sure since I'm sitting in her computer chair lol. T-shirt and Shorts.

What noise do you hear at this very moment?
Now I'm listening to Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, although I'm not sure if its the official one.

Facebook or Myspace? Do you think you'll ever have the other?
It still surprises me that I still have a Myspace, you would think that since I havn't been on it in like 10 years it would be shut down by now. HAHA

I'm standing right behind you. Are you going to turn around?
Nope... Because going by the date of when this survey was written you'd have to have been waiting in the wall or something for a really long time... Speaking of which what is that smell?

Can you name the NFL team that won the most recent Super Bowl?
Nope... I honestly can't remember.

Favorite comedian?
OMG... This is just as hard as whats my favorite movie... I like a few right now like Kyle Kinane, John Mullaney, Gabriel Iglasies, gosh there is one I listen to on Pandora I can't remember right now...

Favorite actor?
So it was Dennis Quaid when I was younger, then Russel Crow. Now I'm not really sure if I have a favorite.

Favorite actress?
I've been attracted to Jennifer Connely since The Labyrinth, and her acting is pretty good too. But again not sure I have a favorite as far as skill goes.

How long have you gone without sleep?
The longest would probably be close to 36 hours. That was when I was really young though and could do that with very little to worry about lol.

Are you on a desktop, laptop or something else?
Desktop right now.

What do you think of Britney Spears?
I've only ever liked her first hit and video, but not really for the music *pervy grin*.

What do you think of Barack Obama?
I think he gets a bad wrap... rap?... I think he means well but he was coming in after Bush and had to deal with the problems he created. I don't agree with everything he's done, but the crap that people give him is unfounded and based on fear tactics. Even Trump himself said the majority of Republicans are easy to manipulate and called them stupid, even thanked them for their stupidity. Like the idea they think he wanted to take their guns away, or the other one where he's not American or the fact they call him muslim... It honestly shouldn't matter what religion he is, religion is supposed to remain out of politics. Anyway thats my opinion, which is strongly backed by proof by the way.

What do you think of The Jonas Brothers?
Barely know who they are.

When was the last time you ate?
My sister made a great banana pudding with roasted coconut and candied banana... That was around 3am.

Who was the last person to text/call you?
My good friend Evan. Miss his silly face.

Do you know the name of Spongebob Squarepants's best friend, who's a starfish?
Patrick... I honestly have no idea how I know that... I don't watch the show.

Breaking News: Russia invades California, Oregon, Washington State, and Hawaii. Would you join the military?
Well... Ok so first thing. Russia would invade Alaska first and foremost, they've hated the deal they got for it and they've been invading Alaskas air space every day for many many years... Also I live in Oregon, so if they were to invade first they would have to have decimated any preemptive attack from us. Also if there is an attack from Russia it would most likely be a World War, and would use both nuclear, chemical and biological weapons. If I happen to still even be alive for them to invade there is no guarantee that there would be a military left. Forest Grove is far enough from Portland that if they used chemical or nuclear weapons we would be initially ok, although in all honesty I would much rather just die instantly in the blast. I've studied and seen what would happen to you if you were to survive it and its probably the worst death imaginable. If anyone reading this wants to know what videos I've seen you're welcome to ask, but it may change your opinion of the military and will most likely scare you to the core, because its so real that I can actually see myself living through that Hell.

Apples or oranges?
Both at the same time, sometimes I have both for breakfast. :)

Least favorite chore?
Making the bed, thats why I don't do it. Its like washing your plate before putting it in the dish washer... Tim Allen said it best in one of his stand ups, why would I wipe my ass before I shit just to wipe it again after that (I didn't quote it because its from memory).

When you play chess, do you play with the white or black pieces?
It doesn't matter to me.

When you play checkers, do you play with the red or black pieces?
Again it doesn't matter.

Apple juice or Orange juice?
Orange Juice earlier in the day and Apple Juice later on.

CSI or Law and Order?
Both can be pretty good, CSI is actually where I learned what happens to you if you die in a bathtub and no one finds you for a while lol.

How badly have you injured yourself?
The worst time I can remember was when I ... Alright its a tie between 3 times. I was running down a hill to race my friends and I fell and ended up with a gash in my thigh about 3-4 inches long. Another time I was playing chicken on bikes with my friend, we both pulled away but the same direction and pretty much ruined the bikes and each other. Another time I was riding my bike down hill, the hill was just a gravel driveway on the Old Glenn into an animal hospital and I was going really fast, I stepped on the ground to stop myself instead of the handbrake. I basically ended up flipping the bike and myself which scared me on my shoulder, I still have the scar. My sister, Debbie and Robert probably still remember it because I took a bath to clean myself and dig the gravel out of my wounds in which I screamed from pain. I also totaled their mothers bike... Worst part was I had to walk it about a mile with a bent front wheel and I was limping pretty bad too.

Which music artist would you like to see live?
Weird Al... I just need to. Its been pretty much a dream since I first heard him. Although I'd like to see Kiss because I hear their shows are awesome.

Last movie you saw in the theatre?
Rogue One, with my sister and my brother in law. It's weird I have to say "in law" cause if I just say brother it'd sound illegal in this state.

What's the last thing you said outloud?
Telling Justice that I was listening to music so if she needed me I may not hear her.

What's your most embarassing moment?
Oh god I've had a few... Like the time Tad wore his fake breasts (That I got for him by the way) to Fred Meyer on Northern Lights. I know there is more, I just have a hard time remembering it.

Coke or Sprite?

Dr. Pepper or Mr. Pibb?
If I ask if there is really a difference I know a few people would bop me for it. But seriously its not like its as different as Coke is to Sprite.

Battleship or Monopoly?
Battleshits!.. Battleship I think is better as a board game because it doesn't last so long. Monopoly is fun on the console.

Will Farrell or Adam Sandler?
Adam Sandler earlier years, and Will Farrell depending on what he's done lol.

What type of gum do you chew?
I don't really chew gum anymore. I have TMJ which causes my jaw to lock in place or to just hurt if I overly use my mouth for chewing.

Would you rather date someone 15 years younger than you or 15 years older?
Younger, although its only because I'm given only one choice. It would really depend on the person.

What slang word do you mainly use for marijuana?
Pot lol... I'm easy.

Do you brush your teeth everyday?
If I said yes would you believe me? Yeah me neither. No, but not because I choose to not do it, its mostly because I have a hard time with self discipline and time management.

Favorite type of sandwich?
Ummmm you mean like from Subway? Meatball is my favorite. I eat it with lettuce and pickles. I'm weird, but I've heard weirder.

What's the backround on your computer?
On my laptop its Star Wars the Old Republic game wallpaper, because I used to play it. My guy was probably the best Sith ever.

What's worse: spiders or snakes?
Spiders... I just can't handle them. Not even the smallest and/or harmless ones. I could handle pet snakes and harmless snakes no problem, but spiders? No way... Warning to people that have them as pets, if you try to play with me by scaring me, I'll probably kill it despite our friendship.

If you were to sing a song right now, what's the first to come to mind?
God I don't know... You would think it'd be something from Guardians but nope.

When was the last time you cried?
Uh probably before I came to my sisters, Christmas is a pretty shitty time for me. Havn't really had much reason to be happy in quite some time.

Will Smith or Denzel Washington?
Both? Seriously I like both of them and their movies.

Oprah Winfrey or Ellen DeGeneres?
Ellen... But not because of her show, its because she's Dory. <3

Where were you born?
Those secret questions again huh? Man... I probably did answer this in the previous survey though. Glad I took a IT securities class in school. Although knowing that everything you post online is saved somewhere and being that I posted it in my last survey it probably doesn't matter whether I answer or not.

What's something people don't know about you that you want them to?
Nothing in particular, you'd probably just have to ask me. I'm bad at replying most of the time, but I'm honest.

What came first, the chicken or the egg?
Neither... Well technically I guess it would be the egg, speaking specifically about evolution the change that created a chicken would first start in the egg.

What's your middle name? Do you like it?
I do, I used to go by it a very long time ago.

Do you know your mother's birthday? What is it?
Wow seriously this is actually data mining lol... Surprised I didn't see that before.

Do you have your social security number memorized?
SEE??? lol Surprised it didn't ask you what it was... And my answer is maybe.

Do you sleep in any clothes?
Data mining at its finest... lol j/k. Yes. I can't sleep without clothes.

What's the first thing you wash in the shower?
My hair, I always start from the top and work my way down.

Do you often rent movies?
Remember when there was such a .. Wait there still is I guess. I don't rent though.

What's your main source for listening to music (iPod, Radio, mp3, Internet)?
Pandora, or Youtube.

Can you use chopsticks properly?
Yesh I can, still pretty good at it too. Although I still prefer a spoon or fork for rice.

Could you ever forgive a cheating boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse?
Yeah I could as long as it was just sexual. Sexual cheating can be "fixed", when your heart cheats thats pretty much the end of the relationship.

Can you handle the truth or do you believe what you want?
Depending... I honestly don't think I could handle certain things. Like is there an after life? If the answer was no, then I'd probably just off myself. It's not like I'm going to do anything to better man kind, if anything I'm just helping its demise with my carbon footprint. There are certain truths that it would be best to keep hidden.

Who's the most attractive person you've ever seen?
Jennifer Connely (famous), Victoria Artola (in person).

How attractive do you think you are (1-10)?
4 maybe? It doesn't really matter to me anymore. I wouldn't like myself if I was a 1 or even a 10 so why does it matter.

When was the last time you had to run?
Had to?... Like in video games? (that should be your answer)

Best vacation spot?
I havn't seen the best yet, but I think it would be Bora Bora. A place I desperately want to see before I die, or the oceans rise and die.

What do you do to attract the opposite sex?
I don't, I mean people tell me that I do and that I don't see it. However, from experience if I even get to the point where I talk to them it normally doesn't last. Even if I was slim and fit I would scare them off, I know this because I havn't always been heavy.

Favorite day of the week? Why?
I don't have one right now... I'm unemployed (yes still...) and every day is another day this planet is wasting precious resources to keep me alive for absolutely no purpose what so ever.

Least favorite day of the week? Why?
Same as above right now.

Do you believe in magic?
The Gathering? It depends... I think the wonders of science even if you know how things work can be seen as magical, or even miraculous but as far as David Copperfield magic, no I don't. I do wish magic existed though, fantasy and magic would be both beautiful and frightening.

How would you like to die?
Everyone answers in their sleep. What if you were flayed in your sleep? That would still suck ass. Probably very close proximity to a bomb, or lethal injection.

Favorite time of day?
I'm more of a night owl, I always have been. My sister and I get it from our dad.

Are you a morning person or a night person?

What did you want to be when you grew up when you were little?
Not really sure... My aunt has a drawing I did when I was very little of astronauts. So I'm not sure if I wanted to be a spaceman or an artist that drew spacemen.

Least favorite food?
Liver.. This answer will probably always be the same... No matter how much ketchup you use, it will always taste like liver.

What's your favorite childhood memory?
Its nice to know that I have too many to actually pick one. That actually does make me feel happy.

What's something that makes you cringe?
Bugs, torture (I can watch Saw no problem, but The Hills Have Eyes? No way), blood on other people.

What did you do today?
Just hung out with family. It was New Years Eve and we were watching movies. Specter (Which was pretty good) and the 1st two Indiana Jones films.

Can you use a public restroom?
Can I yes, will I? I'd rather wait till I got home if I can wait.

Would you rather live somewhere that's blazing hot everyday or freezing cold and snowing everyday?
Freezing Cold, you can always bundle up to get warm. But you can only undress so much to get cool.

Vanilla Ice or MC Hammer?
Yeah the times are different now, Ice does rock (or metal) and Hammer does whatever he can to make a buck.

Chuck Norris or Bruce Lee?
Donnie Yen all the way. He's been my favorite since Iron Monkey, and since I learned that he trained with Jet Lee when he was younger and was the only person that had knocked Jet Lee out.

If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
Matter materialization and manipulation... I'm such a fucking nerd.

Would you rather lose your dominant arm or a leg?
Leg... I use my arms too much to lose either of them.

Would you rather lose your eye sight or hearing?
I think this is the same as being deaf or blind, which you already asked... Unless you mean you suddenly lose it, then yeah it'd still be my hearing.

Have you ever broken the law? How?
Yeah, I mean not only have I had 2 speeding tickets in my life, one being recent. There's a couple others but I don't want to incriminate myself or anyone I know, so I'm remaining silent on this one.

If you could be the best at something, what would it be?
Drawing, I'll never be as good as I want to be.

It took me 2 hours to make this survey. What did you think about it?
Took me about 3-4 hours to finish it. It shows its age and you try to data mine the crap out of people who do it, but it'll be interesting to see what I said 6 or 7 years ago when I first did it and compare it.

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