35 Random Questions Survey Response by Cass

Here are the survey answers for 35 Random Questions Survey taken by Cass

What's your name?
Cascadia (or 'Cass' or 'Cassie' for short ^^)

How old are you?

What is your favorite food?
Angel Food Cake

What is your favorite soft drink?

Do you wear slippers?
Yes. Actually I have 5 pair of special slippers called [inside/outside] so I can do both. They are amazing!

What is your favorite fruit?

Do you have a cat?
Not yet but we are waiting for word on a fat little white persian

What is your favorite website?
My little unknown Blog Site on my laptop, and my Solitaire app on my iPhone

What is your favorite book?
Q & A (from mom this Christmas 2017)

What is your favorite TV Show?
The Big Bang Theory

Do you have one best friend?
My Mother

Do you have a specific religion?

What is it?

What color is your hair?
Naturally Red / Currently black with some blonde coming through

Are you under the age of 18?

Who did you vote for or want to vote for in this recent election?
I always keep those kinds of things to myself

Are you a nerd?
I write essay for pure fun, so you tell me. ^^

What is your favorite sport?

What are you wearing right now?
My favorite white bed shirt, blue aloe socks, white undies

Do you love this website?
Yes! I've loved Quizopolis for quite some time now! Very enjoyable!

Are you at school?
Not at present

Are you at home?

Are you somewhere else?

Look down. Is your shoe un-tied?
Already explained the whole shoe thing ^^

Look up.Is there a light on?
Not up there

Do you use Germ-X?

Do you watch TV everyday?

Do you write with your left hand?

How many hamsters have you had?
NONE ever

Have you ever seen the original Lord of the Ring?

Is this going to be the best survey ever?
Eh there are more fun ones actually

Do you like this survey?
It was alright.

Are you ready for this survey to be over?
Nah, not really. I enjoy the fill-outs

Is anyone doing this survey with you?

You're done! What do you say?

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