What Would You Do If Survey Response by Anonymous

Here are the survey answers for What Would You Do If Survey taken by Anonymous

Stranded in a forest alone
Die. I love nature and forests and shit, but if there is a single bug that lands on, or anywhere near me, im going to kill myself. It could literally be a butterfly and I would drop dead in a millisecond.

Sensed someone stalking you
This has happened already. I ignored it unfortunately. thank god theyre gone. but if it happens again, i will tell people and possibly the police

You suddenly developed superhuman strength
start showing off <3

You saw a dead cat
report to the animal police or w/e u call them

You saw a dead human
thats epic. tbh would love to like survey it like an inspector or a medical examiner because i LOVE health sciences, especially anatomy and shit

Someone anonymously send a love note
throw that shit lol

You become blind
kill myself. sorry. I don't think I can handle being blind myself. I don't hate blind people or w/e, its just that I want to be able to see yk. Pls dont take this the wrong way

Your car breaks down beside a graveyard
faxxxxx i mean its a lil spooky but i am not really superstitious? well, i guess i am in a satire way or smn? like pls i wish ghosts were real bc i want them to kill me n shit... anways id call for help obv

Your bestfriend calls you at 4am
my bsf knows im already asleep <3 she knows i love sleeping. but, if for some reason, like an urgent call or smn, i will answer.

You could bring back anyone from 6 feet under
I want to be a necromancer <3 or w/e. I want to bring back Princess Diana.

Someone kept staring at you
stare back with like that dead stare. I always do this unintentionally. Im just always exhausted

Someone ate your lunch
i dont even eat lunch lol but if someone did then ok ig

You're at a stranger's funeral
act like i know them, possibly enact a scene. jk thats rude. idk leave?

You got 100 free spray cans
art <3 possibly vandalism <3

A horse came chasing after you
run and cry :)

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