What Would You Do If Survey Response by Acegirl

Here are the survey answers for What Would You Do If Survey taken by Acegirl

Stranded in a forest alone
Find a cliff to jump off of in case of a bear

Sensed someone stalking you
Grab my mace and run to somewhere safer

You suddenly developed superhuman strength
Take advantage of it

You saw a dead cat
Say “aww that’s sad”

You saw a dead human
Call the police

Someone anonymously send a love note
I am an aromatic asexual, so I would read it once and go about my day.

You become blind
I would run into a lot of walls?

Your car breaks down beside a graveyard
Call someone for help and take grave rubbings in the meantime

Your bestfriend calls you at 4am
Answer it! It’s probably important

You could bring back anyone from 6 feet under
My great grandma

Someone kept staring at you
Try to find out why they’re staring at me. Make sure it’s not a wardrobe malfunction.

Someone ate your lunch
Go to a restaurant

You're at a stranger's funeral
Might as well stay. They were probably a nice person.

You got 100 free spray cans
What kind of spray is it?

A horse came chasing after you

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