What Would You Do If Survey Response by kay

Here are the survey answers for What Would You Do If Survey taken by kay

Stranded in a forest alone
try to get out of the forest and go to a place like a gas station for food and water and just some shelter tbh

Sensed someone stalking you
tell my parents and then probably call the police

You suddenly developed superhuman strength
test that shit out man

You saw a dead cat
try to bring it back to life

You saw a dead human
be kinda scared and call the police for help

Someone anonymously send a love note
be freaked out and ask around to people if they knew about it

You become blind
be mad and try to figure out ways to do things normally

Your car breaks down beside a graveyard
think nothing of it except what to do with the car

Your bestfriend calls you at 4am
answer and ask whats wrong

You could bring back anyone from 6 feet under
not bring back anyone

Someone kept staring at you
ask them why they keep staring

Someone ate your lunch
be mad and try to find somewhere to get another lunch

You're at a stranger's funeral
be normal and say sorry for your loss to the family

You got 100 free spray cans
try to find somewhere to paint and not get in trouble for it

A horse came chasing after you
run as fast as i can

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