What Would You Do If Survey Response by Janet~

Here are the survey answers for What Would You Do If Survey taken by Janet~

Stranded in a forest alone
Pray,very hard!

Sensed someone stalking you
run,as fast as i can to a crowded area.wah...I NEARLY GOT RAPED AT 11 PM PLUS ON 2 DEC AT A DIMLY LIT PARK!A bangala sat beside me at the bench where there are many benches nearby,when i stood up he also stood up;he followed me a few steps and i was scared like hell and RAN as fast as i could in the opposite direction,leading to bedok north mrt!!!!I would never dress this way and sit at the park at such a late time ever again!!!!!So scared i was

You suddenly developed superhuman strength
i dunno what i would do.lol

You saw a dead cat
help to bury it while saying prayers

You saw a dead human
call the hospital

Someone anonymously send a love note
help edit their letters for grammatical errors.That's that I did in 2007.lol

You become blind
i would lose my will to live if i were blind:'(

Your car breaks down beside a graveyard
That would never happen to me,i dun drive

Your bestfriend calls you at 4am
Dun have a bestie

You could bring back anyone from 6 feet under
6 feet under?U mean bring back anyone from hell?My paternal grandma.I think she's in hell:(

Someone kept staring at you
The whole world is already staring at me almost 24/7!!!!Do nothing.Must be something heinously bad i did that caused this shiet to happen

Someone ate your lunch
it's ol,i'll just buy another food

You're at a stranger's funeral
just chant.fyi,i would never attend another soka funeral again;I hate this religion.

You got 100 free spray cans
give 98 away for free

A horse came chasing after you
let it come over so i could ride it

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