Have You Ever (girls only) Survey Response by Peaches8794

Here are the survey answers for Have You Ever (girls only) Survey taken by Peaches8794

Have you ever cheated on your boyfriend with his best friend

Have you ever been kicked out of school
Suspended a handful of times.

Have you ever been in trouble with the law

Have you ever sneaked out of your house
Like twiceish.

Have you ever done something bad and you still havent told your parents

Have you ever sneaked a boy in your house
Lol. No?? I was a good girl.

Have you ever stay gone from home and dont return until a week later
Who wrote this crap?? Lol.

Have you ever love more then one person at the sametime
That’s a ridiculous question, of course not.

Have you ever lied about your age to someone
Probably when I was very young & stupid.

Have you ever slept outside (not in a tent)

Have you ever told someone that you love them and really didnt mean it
I don’t think so....

Have you ever hooked up with someone to make someone else mad
I’m not immature or disgusting like that. That’s how you spread diseases, dumbass.

Have you ever broke someone's heart
Doubt it.

Have you ever done something a long time ago and just now regret it
Nope, I don’t think so....besides treating school like it was a waste of time, but I have always regretted that.

Have you ever cryed over a boy for a week stright
Waaaay longer.

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