35 Juicy Questions Survey Response by Spence

Here are the survey answers for 35 Juicy Questions Survey taken by Spence

Why did you and your last bf / gf break up?
i was controlling

If you could see your future in a movie, would you watch it?

What Country and City are you from?
small town, usa

Do you regularly indulge in drugs? If so, what? i.e Dope, Ectasy
not regularly but i drink alcohol and smoke weed

Plans for the weekend?
go to my dad's

Have you organised plans for summer break / new years?
not yet

What type of boys / girls are you attracted too?
any tbh

Three things you would want if you were stranded on an island?
food, a water source, a phone

If you won a holiday but had to choose either a cruise ship or resort, what would you choose?
depends on where either of those are, probably a cruise

Favourite colour?

What makes you angry?
anything when i'm in a bad mood

Have you ever been in a protest?

Do you drive? If so, what type of car?

If your bestfriend and boyfriend needed you, honestly who would you choose?
i don't have a boyfriend so my best friend

One thing that annoys you about your best friend / boyfriend?
she doesn't talk to me enough

If you could ask someone any question you want, what would it be?
i would ask my ex best friend if she wanted to stop being friends (i broke off the friendship)

If you won lotto would you still work?

What are thre first three big purchases you'd make after winnning lotto?
a house, a car, and a college education

Random crazy thing you daydream about?
having a girlfriend

Are you at home, work...?

Longest relationship?
6 months

Names that you love?
my own (spencer)

Do you perfer a beer or spirit mix (vodka, bourbon)?
a cocktail

(realistically) I'm wanting:
a dick

Current obsession:
the owl house

Fav quote:

I'm worried about:
being fat forever

Next thing I want to buy:

What's your fav type of music?
indie or alternative

Have you ever met anyone famous?

Fav singers / bands?
taylor swift, phoebe bridgers, carseat headrest, radiohead, icp

Fav famous person?
ryan reynolds

Any ideas for your wedding?

Do you have a crush on anyone? Name of that person..

Song that has the best memories to it?
505- arctic monkeys

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