Finish The Sentence Survey Response by Mickey

Here are the survey answers for Finish The Sentence Survey taken by Mickey

My ex...
I don’t have one

Maybe I should...
Watch more anime

I love...
My family and friends

People would say that i'm...

I don't understand...
Some things

When I wake up in the morning...
I have a banana up & go

I lost...

Life is full of...

My past is...

I get annoyed when...
I don’t know the answer to questions

Parties are...

I wish...
To go to a BTS concert with friends

Are cute

Have 9 lives

By together

I have low tolerance...
On what this question is

If I had a million dollars...
I would donate some to people in need, some for my family and some for me

I'm totally terrified...
Of anything horror

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