Finish The Sentence Survey Response by Shan

Here are the survey answers for Finish The Sentence Survey taken by Shan

My ex...
I don’t go there anymore

Maybe I should...
Think About fun things before I hit the sack

I love...
Friend get togethers

People would say that i'm...
Thoughtful and amiable

I don't understand...
When you send a message to someone like an acquaintance and they never send one back

When I wake up in the morning...
I start coffee and breakfast

I lost...
My Dutch Wonderland purse in grade school

Life is full of...
Opportunity, especially in work

My past is...
Integral to who I am today

I get annoyed when...
Clients are short with me

Parties are...
Fun for holidays and once in awhile

I wish...
The weather would warm up

Are fun to play with outside

Are fun to play with and imitate

Is a workday, but that’s okay

I have low tolerance...
Of snoots

If I had a million dollars...
I’d go to England

I'm totally terrified...
Jumping out of a plane

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