Mother Survey Response by Jes

Here are the survey answers for Mother Survey taken by Jes

How old is your mother?
She'll be 50 next month.

What do you call your mother?
Mum, or Liz.

How is your relationship with your mother?
It's pretty great.

Does she have another other children other than you?

Is she a good cook?
Fabulous cook!

Where was she raised?
Uh, I'm not really sure. She's told me about 100 times, but it's late and I've forgotten.

Do you love your mother?
More than anything on this planet. She's perfect.

When was the last time you saw your mother?
I saw her just before I went to bed.

Does/did she make you do chores, if yes what?
She doesn't make me do anything. Sometimes she'll ask me to do the dishes or clean up a bit, but she's not a mole about it.. Just being a mum. :)

What is your mother's favorite resturant?
She goes to this little Indian place a lot.. And sometimes the grand. I don't know if they're her favourite, but she enjoys them.

What kind of music does she like?
Stuff like Adele and Indigo girls.. Oh and acoustic Miley Cyrus. She loves that shit.

Does your mother work?
She sure does.

Does your mother spoil you?
Oh, always.

What is your mother's favorite store?
I'm not sure really. She loves a bargain.

Does she know who Britney Spears is?
Of course.

Is she a good driver?
I think she is. Sometimes she gets a bit zippy for me, hah.. But nah, she's good.

What is her favorite color?
Um, I think it's blue? I'm not sure. I don't even know if she knows. She likes certain colour schemes, more than actual colours, I think.

Where is your mother right now?
She's in bed, asleep.

What did you give your mother for mothers day?
Um, I don't actually remember. Pretty sure she was my only source of income at the time.. Would be awkward if I bought her something with her own money.

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