Perfect Partner Survey Response by Kevin Fawcett

Here are the survey answers for Perfect Partner Survey taken by Kevin Fawcett

How tall should they be?
Somewhere around 5ft. But just not taller than me

What should they weigh?
Does not matter but I prefer a flat stomach and shaped like an hour glass

What kind of personality should they have?
Fun and outgoing

Older or younger?
Don't matter but preferably older

Serious or carefree?

Spontainous or hesitant?

Brutally honest or tight-lipped?
Brutally honest

Beautiful or intelligent?

Movie or a resturant?

What film actor should they most be like?
None theirself

What singer should they most be like?
Same their self, I fell in love with someone who hands down beats any actress or singer

Should they make all the money?

Do they need to cook?
Yes I'll do dishes

What is their best body part?
Tits and ads and thighs,fucking everything equally!!! Lol

What body part do you not care about?

Desk job or physical labour?

What car should they drive?
Don't matter

What one thing completely turns you off?
Not showing equally affection and love back

What one thing completely turns you on?
Showing me I'm number one to them

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