My Secrets Survey Response by Anonymous

Here are the survey answers for My Secrets Survey taken by Anonymous

What's in your wallet?
ID, insurance cards, business/agency cards, bank card, receipts, change, money, papers, my birth certificate.

What's under your bed?

What's on that way top shelf or in the very far back of your closet?
Don't have a closet or top shelf haha

What's in your underwear drawer?
Socks, underwear, bras, important mail.

What's in the trunk of your car?
No car

What's in your desk or locker?
No desk or locker

Do you have a super-secret hiding place and what's in it?
Yes my bra... My medicine

Do you feel guilty about something right now, if yes what?
Yes, that I allowed drugs to yet once again ruin my parenting...????????????

What is the most embarassing thing in your room right now?
Nothing to be embarrassed about.

Have you done something recently you hope no one finds out about?
Nothing bad or illegal but yes.

What is your last thought before you fall asleep?
My kids usually, or the next days events.

How long have those leftovers been in the fridge?
Just have tonight's dinner for leftovers now. ( Stuffed shells and garlic bread yummy)

If I confiscated your computer and took a look around....what would I find?
No computer, use my cell for everything. And pictures of all my kids, family members lots of selfies, numbers, funny memes, quotes,

Do you sleep with anything?
A giant dog stuffed animal and my daughter's blankie and a bunch of pillows lol

What is your midnight snack weakness?
Anything tasty my fat ass can find lol

Have you ever you shop lifted?
Yep unfortunately.

Have you ever vandalized anything?
I've done some tagging on train tracks back in high school

Ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?
The devil is always trying to dance with me..

What do you wait until no one is looking to do?

Have you told the truth in this survey?

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