Thanksgiving Survey Response by MegzFunny

Here are the survey answers for Thanksgiving Survey taken by MegzFunny

Where will you be eating this Thanksgiving?
In the closet before my other family members find out I've eaten all that was in the closet.

Will you be watching a game this Thanksgiving?

How long will you spend eating your thanksgiving meal?
About 20 seconds. I'ma pirranah.

Are you worried about putting on weight this Thanksgiving?
Oh yes. These clown shoes are heavy, you know! Don't ask.

What do you normally eat at Thanksgiving?
Oh, I'm so very glad you asked. Chocolate covered turkey stuffed with chicken bits, with a side of ice cream covered in gravy (to make it Thanksgiving-y) and pumpkin pie....topped with a banana split sundae.

What is your favorite Thanksgiving food?
Turkey. Btw, I was crowned Miss Cliche last year.

What will you be thankful for this Thanksgiving?
Everything. My family, friends, the thanksgiving dinner, and life. No joke :)

What is your best Thanksgiving memory?
The 50 pound mutant turkey my parents found one year.

Do you give cards or presents at Thanksgiving?

Are you planning on going shopping the day after Thanksgiving?
No thanks. Black Friday is DANGEROUS.

Will you be waking up early to hit the sales?
Even if I wanted to, I doubt I could.

Click here to take this survey yourself.

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