Random Survey Survey Response by MegaphoneMAX

Here are the survey answers for Random Survey Survey taken by MegaphoneMAX

What are you thinking RIGHT NOW?
About this survey

For $100 would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens?

What is under your bed right now?
A bed frame

Do you sing along to cheesy 80s love songs in the car when you're alone?

What can you do with a brick?
Smash it

Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep?

If you had to choose, what kind of fruit would you be?

If you could spend 24 hours as the opposite sex, would you?
Probably not

Are there disgusting leftovers in your refrigerator right now?
Yes but not mine

Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else?
Yes I always feel like my dreams are real

Do you believe in closet monsters?

Do you ever look in the mirror and notice your pores?

If you were trapped with a criminal, who would it be if you could choose?
A harmless crime guy

Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy?
Megaphone imitation

What song would you like to have played at your funeral?
Sad stuff (I don't want people celebrating!)

Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that?

Would you listen to a band called The Amazing Butt Lemons?

How many illegal things have you done and not gotten caught?

Read any good books lately?

What is the coolest thing you've ever seen?
I don't know exactly

When was the last time you dusted under your television?
Last year...

What is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz)
Trying to erase with NO ERASER

Is there a ghost in the room with you right now?
Scanning... Scanning... I think I just saw something

If you could walk up and slap someone you really couldn't stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it?

Do you spy on your neighbors?

What common, everyday sound really grates your nerves?
Trying to erase with NO ERASER (yes people are so dumb it becomes an everyday noise)

Do you leave wet towels on the floor after a shower?

Et tu, Brute?
What the heck

Is this the most random quiz you've ever taken?

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