Myspace Survey

How long have you been on Myspace?

How did you find out about Myspace?

How often do you check your Myspace?

How many friends do you have?

Is Tom still in your top 8?

How often do you rearrange your top 8?

Do you ever clean out your friends list?

Do you forward bulletins sent to you?

Do you create your own bulletins from things you find?

Do you read all your bulletins?

Did you take a picture of yourself just for Myspace?

How often do you change your Myspace layout?

Do you have a crush on anyone on Myspace?

Have you ever called anyone you met on Myspace?

Have you ever met anyone you met on Myspace?

Have you fallen in love on Myspace?

Have you ever wanted to quit Myspace?

What one thing would you add to Myspace?

What one thing could you never be without on Myspace?

What is the most annoying thing about Myspace?

Would you like to make this survey public?

Enter your nickname

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