20 Disgusting Real Foods List Challenge

How many of these 20 disgusting REAL foods would you dare to try? Click on each item below to mark it and then hit submit to get your score.

Escamoles (Ant Larvae)
Tuna Eyeballs
Balut (Fertilised Duck Eggs)
Crispy Tarantulas
Jellied Moose Nose
Boshintang (Dog Meat Soup)
Huitlacoche (Diseased Corn on the Cob)
Airag (Fermented Horse Milk)
Casu Marzu (Rotten Cheese with Maggots)
Century Egg (Rotten Egg)
Salo (Pure meat fat)
Whole Sheeps Head
Bat Soup
Cheeseburger in a can
Pork Brains
Lamb Tougnes
Live Cobra
Cockroach Soup
Deep Fried and Battered Rat
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