Which Do You Find Attractive In A Guy Survey Response by thee_mushroom_girl

Here are the survey answers for Which Do You Find Attractive In A Guy Survey taken by thee_mushroom_girl

Straight or curly hair?
I prefer curlier hair, maybe a littttle bit longer then most haircuts. dark and thick so run my hands through his hair

Glasses or contacts?
Aww glasses. Guys, you look so cute with glasses. You don't look dorky, just make sure you have the right size and shape of frames for your face

Toned, no muscle or big muscles?
Uhm, probably more toned, with not big arms, but nice arms. And legs are nice too. Don't care too much about abs to be completely honest

Hair color?
Oh my goodness, dark caramel brown, or black. Maybe even orange/red

Eye color?
I prefer brown eyes, even hazel

Daredevil or reserved?
Oh definitely reserved. He's needs to be a quirky soft boy '^'

Shy or outgoing?
Like shy around new people, but really outgoing and fun around family and me.

Leader or follower?
A leader. He'd match my energy then lol

Honest or people pleaser?
Honest. I'm too much of a people pleaser myself.

Teddy bear or candy as a gift?
TEEEDDDDDDYY BEAAATT. I need cuddles `~`

Layed back or uptight?
laid back. But like, serious about serious business

Skinny or lose jeans?
loose jeans. Like, tiktok boy style.

Baggy hat or baseball cap?

Pale or tanned?
Oof. Both are fine with me. Probably more on the pale side. Depends on his ethnicity. Like, Italia? HECK YEAH! But like, a little pale boy??? <3

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