What Would You Do If Survey Response by MyNameDon'tMatterBuddy

Here are the survey answers for What Would You Do If Survey taken by MyNameDon'tMatterBuddy

Stranded in a forest alone
Go to the nearest road tf

Sensed someone stalking you
Walk into the police station i guess

You suddenly developed superhuman strength
Keep it on the downlow

You saw a dead cat
Id prolly just think "wow that aint nice" and move on

You saw a dead human
I'd call the police and try to rationalise the situation and calm myself down

Someone anonymously send a love note
Id appreciate it and see wagwan with the person i suspect it to be

You become blind
I guess I'd just live like a blind nigga id wack ppl with my stick too

Your car breaks down beside a graveyard
Go ask the dead to politely give their energy to my car battery but also call my insurance company

Your bestfriend calls you at 4am
Answer it and be like wtf you want its 4am

You could bring back anyone from 6 feet under
Jahseh my brotherrrr

Someone kept staring at you
Id stare back

Someone ate your lunch
They gettin jooked naw but fr they'd get checked ionno who they think they are

You're at a stranger's funeral
Id try to walk away lowkey

You got 100 free spray cans
Whats in them? If its paint ill sell em to graffiti artists if its silly string the whole neighbourhood getting some and we having a fight wit eem

A horse came chasing after you
That happened before and i ran like a bitch but after a while we went upto it and it sniffed us and was cool so ionno

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